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I started dating again after 3 months of being single.. I believe that in that short span im already healed.. i run across my ex and felt nothing not sad not happy just a normal lad in the street.. so i was happy. I was again smiling and charming and what not...


Then disaster came.. i met a guy .. been seeing him 2 months now.. But he lives about 60km from my place.. so we just see each other 2-3x a MONTH, if im lucky,, YES if I am lucky..


He has a lot of secrets, he doesnt answer my questions, he doesnt answer the phone when i call, (all the signs of cheating that you can think of is there) but i am not sure,, because i dont have proof like a picture of a message (because i dont check, i believe in respecting other people, even if they dont respect me.. funny i know, but i dont want to go down their level). And he did not even introduce me to his parents even as a friend when we walked past them one time going to his house. He left me in the hotel the next day after we made love the first time .. (it hurt me so badly) and i was the one who apologized.. (yes im lackin self respect here)


I can say that im almost perfect in treating him well..


Today .. i saw a picture of him with a friend .. (i think i asked him he said shes just a friend) its confusing because the girl kinda sits in every guys lap so i think hes telling the truth.. But im hating my gut feeling at the moment...


i hate to say this but i cant trust him but i dont wanna discuss it again with him because i hate fighting.. he gets defensive.. and its driving me crazy ...



My dilema.. I want to leave him... but i cant convince myself ... im tired of the secrets .. but i dont want to make the wrong decisions..



Your thoughts? :)

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Patience, I can feel your pain in your post.


I guess you need to ask yourself if whether or not the amount of pain and confusion you're feeling, so early on in a relationship, is worth it?


Relationships are meant to be places of happiness, comfort, pleasure and closeness. If a relationship makes you anxious, stressed, worried and hurt, then I don't see the point of continuing with it.


I guess it doesn't matter if he's cheating on you or not; what matters is that something is making you feel this way and as such you are not enjoying the relationship but instead it's doing the opposite.


If you're feeling insecure right now, that's okay. Everybody goes through that from time to time. It's too bad that he's not there to support you during your moments of insecurity: instead it seems he exploits them.


Hopefully you can make a choice about this that benefits you. You seem like a very nice young woman with lots of love to give. Maybe it's better to find someone more deserving of that?

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Patience, I can feel your pain in your post.



I guess it doesn't matter if he's cheating on you or not; what matters is that something is making you feel this way and as such you are not enjoying the relationship but instead it's doing the opposite.




I hate the emotional rollercoaster 2 days im happy 5 days im sad... i hate the part when you miss the person .. thats what i am scared of ..


i really like your advice .. can you continue in answerin a bit more.. like .. what should i do if at night before i sleep i think about him.. how can i resist that thought? maybe that is whats hindering me from leaving....

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He's using you. Either that or he lacks in self confidence and is intimidated by you. But I doubt that.


He doesn't respect you. Drop him.

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