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Did I mess this up?

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I've been attempting to friend this guy in my class because I noticed he was always staring at me (granted I am usually the only girl in class). Below are a summary of our interactions in our workout class. Our mutual friend says he is a shy guy. What message am I sending him /what is he thinking about me?


1. I initiated conversation with him in class- we talked about where we were from, he told me he was doing a race that weekend etc. No exchange of names though.

2. Next class I asked how the race went- he said it was fun. Left it at that.

3. I found out we had a mutual friend, so I contemplated adding him on facebook. I did. He accepted.

4. I facebook chatted him because he had missed class. We had a good convo mostly about class but he was very prompt and responsive. He ended the chat and said he had to go but talk to you later.

5. The next class I said hey to him (and others in the class before him) but he ignored me, we were next to each other for the workout but he avoided my eye contact.

6. I chatted him again on facebook talking about class but this time the conversation turned more personal and we started talking about our parents lol. He ended the chat saying he had to go.

7. Saw him the next class and he was weird around me again. I started talking to another boy in class to see if I could get a reaction out of him. Also he tried to help me with my bar but i said I could do it myself.However during the workout we were across from each other, and he was making eye contact with me.

8. Saw him the next day at class, I called his name which took him by surprise and then asked him why he wasn't doing the work out and he said he was doing the harder one after and I said why because this is too easy for you? and he said yeah this is baby* * * * . We both laughed. After class another girl approached him to ask what workout he was doing, he explained it to her pretty easily. When I left he was in the parking lot talking on his phone, and he watched me pull away.


9. I sent him a fb message wed w/ a funny video (that pertains to class) and asked how his break is. No response, I don't think he's been on though.


He will never initiate contact with me but when I initiate he seems like he wants to talk to me!

Have i come off totally desperate ? Now I have to see him in class :/

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What has happened since then? It's been a few days since you wrote this.


You are being friendly and persistent I guess.


But he is supposed to respond by showing a bit of initiative, instead he's backed off a bit.


I guess you can just be friends with him, he seems to be keen for that and hope things get better.


Good luck.


Btw, here is a cheesy

to see if a guy likes you, but I found it cute.
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So he never responded to my message with the video. I say he was online and chatted him hey how was your break and he signed off. The next day at 1 AM I get a message saying good, how about you. I see him in class and he ignores me but puts himself in my proximity. I answer his message knowing he won't keep the convo going. Thurs I go all out, I talk to him six separate times during class. Our second convo was the longest and his hands were shaking a bit! He is responsive/reactive to our convos but doesn't contribute much lol still I can feel him getting more comfortable around me. So i then i say hey " X (our mutual friend) is coming into town this weekend if you want to hang with us" . He says he'll try because his weekend is busy and tells me everything he has going on. He sounds disappointed he can't make it i say maybe some other time. Last night I saw him online again and chatted him and said tomorrow's class is stupid. He signed off again...

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My take is that he doesn't want anything to do..


But then he may be kind of lonely and appreciate someone to talk to.


Since you've been so dedicated he has started to give in.


But that doesn't mean he may not start liking you later on.


Good luck.

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