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6 month ideas


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I have almost been with my girlfriend for 6 months now. This is the first relationship I have been in that has lasted over 2 months, I usually get tired of the girl. I am 19 years old. This may seem like a stupid question, but I really need some ideas on what i should do for my girlfriend for our 6 month... flowers or I dont even know.... any ideas would help me out. Thanks

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Whay my boyfriend did for me was we went to a VERY nice restuarant and he brought a bottle of winee. Make sure that the place that you go to dosnet serve liquor already. Look for places that you have to bring your own. To top it all off......that morning he must have gotten my car key from my mom and during the night he filled my car with "Happy Anniversary" ballons and bears and all kinds of stuff. It was a nice surprise when i went to work that morning. Try that, but im telling you that girls love a nice restuarant where thaty kind of have to get dressed up...not like dresses but a nic outfit. Good Luck

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