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A minor set back


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I tried. I tried to ignore the brief text from ex. I went 24 hours. THe fantasy that he wanted to work things out won out. All the rationalizations made sense. Why else would he send the brief little note that in no way required or expected a response?


To be fair, there really could be a 1% chance he really is sorry all this happened and desperately missing me and ready to make a strong, loving commitment to me.


So here I am. Checking my phone like a mad woman. Obsessing over it. The phone is beeping like crazy because of the volume of pre holiday spam emails (along with the notices emailed to me from the million "Meetup Groups" I joined thinking activity would make me forget him.)


I was doing ok. Then this. I'll get back to doing ok eventually. For now I'll turn off my phone and go for a walk with my dog.

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