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? for men....Is he playing games with me.

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Guys I need your help with something. I met this guy about 3 weeks ago. And I can't put it into words exactly on how well we got along and we just seemed to click. (And we met while

fishing of all places and I accused him of stilling my fishing. While he was fishing from a boat and me on the bank). lol


To me it almost seemed like fate being at the same place at the same time, etc.


Anyhow we fished the rest of the day together. We exchanged phone #'s and he called several times after and we got together. Then he called one evening when I hadn't called and sounded upset that I hadn't called me that day. And I apologized of course for not calling.


To make along story even shorter, he's talked about taking me here and there etc.... Then now it seems he goes though this

not answering his phone, and the service picking it up.


Example, I didn't call and he didn't call all last week. Then Saturday he calls about 10pm to join him for a drink.


He was suppose to call Sunday and he didn't. THen I've called the past 2 days with no return call. SO what do you think the deal is? PLEASE HELP!!! I'M CONFUSED ON WHAT'S GO ON....

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Fishing? That's so sweet :love:


I'd quess he's getting the same mixed signals from you as you from him. Maybe you should stipulate that you'll call him at X time...and that you'll be home at Y ttime - perhaps you guys are simply missing each other when you phone and the other is out.

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Hmmm....it's hard to say but I think either he's playing some twisted game of hard to get, or he is very insecure and wants alot of attention....



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No, he hasn't called or his # would shown up on my called ID.

And yes it was sweet meeting him while fishing. I love the outdoors, and I'm not much on the bar sceen.


He on the otherhand, does spend alot of time in the bars. Maybe that's not a good thing?!

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If that's the case and he is insecure or wanting attention. Then why doesn't he call?


I know that he knows I like him...or I wouldn't of called him the last 2 days.


So I'm thinking it's best that I leave the phone alone and let him persue me. And if he should call and ask that I met him at a bar, etc. I'll have to pass and let him know that "if and when he should decide to climb off the barstool and want to spend sometime with me, then we'll take it from there. (or something like that...)


He's even made the comment on how he's board of the bars, but yet manages to go quite a bit.

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and when he should decide to climb off the barstool and want to spend sometime with me, then we'll take it from there. (or something like that...)


I'm guessing you haven't read 'How to Win Friends'. That would be a really snarky, snippy thing to say and I doubt he'd call you again. You have decided to assume that he doesn't call you because he's out drinking without any evidence. Not a good thing to do. If it bothers you so much, next time he calls, say 'I waited for your call on Sunday' and see what he answers. There may be perfectly good reasons why he didn't call.

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isn't he just playing that dating game you ladies love? You know, giving the runaround, string alongs, that bit of what you ladies call sexy indifference?



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I agree that the comment about "climbing off of the bar stool" is way harsh. It will probably come off very snippy even condescending. I'd simply suggest saying something like, "Such and such movie is coming out this week, how about we check that out instead?" If he became flaky over you not calling one day then you will completely alienate him by making snippy comments. Good luck!!!!

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:eek: Once I thought about it, you're right. I shouldn't say anything about him getting off the barstool.


However, when he calls and he ask that I join him for a drink. I think I'm going to suggest something else and explain to him (again) that I really don't care for bars that much. And that once in awhile it's ok.

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Calls at the last minute to meet him for a drink.


(Squeeze you in when he has nothing better to do)


Gets seemingly upset because he didn't get a phone call from a person he has known for a very short time. .


(What right does he have to get upset? Really, who is he to expect ANYTHING from you at this point?)


When you do call, he doesn't answer.


(Maybe he has something else going on)



I hate to tell you this; I wouldn't even start playing with this fire. He sounds more like a player type. Whether he's playing a game or being a player; does this stuff going on so early sound like something you want to get involved in? If he's giving you this level of nothingness now, how is he going to treat you once you get "hooked". I suggest throwing this one back in and find another fish in the sea!! LOL Sorry about the puns. :-)

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Yes, you are absoultely right. I do feel a sense of "nothingness" and a nibble here and there when he squeeze's me in his schedule.


I was just as confused to when he got upset for me not calling him. Then I thought hemmm, maybe he likes me more than I know (or something like that

I felt). But now I don't know what or how to feel other than I'm not very happy.


I dislike it when I met guys like this and want to play games and string me (or others along).


It makes me appreicate why I try to stay out of relationships and still single.


I don't like feeling this way. And it hurts when you think you find someone that has a good heart (or so you think) and you want to get to know.


I've never been one to play games and have always been honest in friendships and relationships.


Granted I've broken a few hearts myself, and someone wanting alittle more than I was willing to give. But, I never mislead anyone into thinking something different or gave them false hopes or mixed signals.


That's why I'm really upset about this one. He said things like "obviously you like fishing," (yes) what about camping (yes) traveling (yes), country music (hem, yes but then I like a variety of music) and things like "well will have to do some camping sometime, or you'll fit right in with my friends, and where we're you 5 years ago....etc.


It's like one minute he wants to make plans and it all sounds exiting, then boom nothing ...... then the phone rings....it's him. And asking what are you doing? Would you like to join me for a drink.


And of course like a fool, I would say yes. Cause I really liked him and thought

I wanted or would like to get to know him more.


I guess maybe you're right NT_Nut I should break the line on this one. And perhaps another fish will come along. But no "sea" where I live just a 25 acre lake to fish on! LOL '-)



I appreciate everyone how has been writing and trying to help me put the pieces together on this one. I am listening, so please keep posting.

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Apparently, you've been hanging around with the wrong type of ladies! LOL


Not all women play games, nor do I believe that all men play games.


And I don't believe in judging a person from the outside, but what is inside.


The past is the past, and the present is the present.


So please do judge all women as being player's and I won't judge you (a male) without even knowing you.


Deal!!!! ;)

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Oversight on my part.........


It was suppose to say "Don't judge women as player's."


Yesterday was along day for me when I got online. :p

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