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Breaking NC to notify of a death in the family


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My 90 year old grandmother only has a few days left. I have not told her that my wife and I are getting divorced, and while on her death bed, my grandma has asked me multiple times about my wife and told me to love her and have kids, etc.


It totally crushes me to hear that, as I dont have the heart to tell my grandma that we are separated and that I have filed for divorce. I know my grandma loved my wife, but my wife hasn't seen my grandma in almost 1 year due to all of our fighting and her refusing to visit her. I don't want to break NC with my wife, as day by day Im slowly moving forward from this nightmare of a marriage.


I know for a fact my wife won't go to the funeral, so is there any point in even telling her about my grandma? Combining the holidays, the divorce, and now my grandma's death is really really hard. I guess the old saying when it rains it pours really applies to me now.

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