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My ex..


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and I were together for a year. I know it may not seem like a long time, but we were best friends for a year prior to us dating. Anyways, we had been arguing all weekend and then he told me we should take a break for a week. O agreed because I though a break from each other was in order. Then the next day he told me that this relationship wasn't going to work out. I know this is bad, but I begged and pleaded for him to take me back for several days. He wa extremely adamant on staying friends with me. Then he told me he had no feelings for me anymore, he wasn't in love with me or love me anymore. I was crushed. He would always flirt with me while we were friends and whatnot, and I would get confused and tell him that. He would blow me kisses from across the room and whatever. I kissed another guy trying to get over him and he found out and got mad and said that ensured we weren't going to get back together. We went out to eat with friends and then we went out to dance. He was being so nice to me and flirting with me while we were eating and while we were there. Then I turn to find him grinding on one of my friends. I got really mad and once he got it all out he found me and we started yelling at each other. He kept telling me I kissed another guy so I couldn't get mad at him. He then told me that he was done trying to be friends with me and be cool with me and be "sensitive to my feelings". He hasn't talked to me since. It was my birthday and he didn't even wish my a happy birthday when I saw him repeatedly on the day. I love this boy a lot and he is confusing me so much. What should I do? And please don't say "move on" -_- xoxo

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