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Made out with co-worker crush...want to pursue

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Hey guys,


I know this may be a bit of a long read but I want to try to paint a full picture for you guys so it'll be easier to understand my dilemma.


So about a month ago I was responsible for training 3 new hires from my place of occupation. I noticed that with one of them, we'll call her Dina for privacy sake, was extremely cute. So naturally, her and I started flirting with each other. This went on for about 3 weeks where we increasingly started to get close (as friends) and the flirting began to start escalating (from prolonged eye-contact to poking and tickling each other if we were to walk by each other). Within those three weeks I also noticed that I was starting to become very attracted to her.


So here's a bit of background from her side based on what I learned during our conversations:


-she just broke up with her ex-bf of 4 years about two months ago

-for the most part she still loves him

-I overheard her say to another co-worker that she would never date a coworker for fear of things getting awkward if things don't pan out

-a lot of her guy friends are trying to get with her

-she is putting herself out there in terms of dating

-she doesn't like being alone


So as you can see there are a few things that don't bode well for me (for eg. the fact that she doesn't date coworkers).


Now let's move on to yesterday...


So on Friday a group of coworkers and I (her included) decided to go to a nearby club just for fun, have drinks and dance. We pre-drink at my house and by the time we're lining up at the club we're all already pretty tipsy. Now this is where the flirting starts to escalate. I mention to her that my hands were freezing and she grabs my hand so that she could warm them up. When we get in the club I buy her a shot and we start to dance in our little group of coworkers. As we're dancing I notice that she's really dancing close to me and before you know it we were up close bumpin and grindin. During that time I go in for the kiss but she turns her head but we're still dancing pretty heavy.


After about 30 min of that she lets me know that shes tired and wants to sit so we go to a table and sit down where she sits on my lap. While she's sitting on top of me, I start playing with her hair and giving her a massage and once again I go in for the kiss. She moves her head and lets me know that she didn't think it was a good idea. I let her know know that I agreed went for the kiss again, and this time she reciprocated where we made out for a few min. Keep in mind this is in front of our coworkers who are cheering us on :D


We head back to the dance floor where we resume bumpin and grindin but this time we're making out full on! About 30 min of that we head back on over to the couches to rest where we make out some more and talk for a bit about how this was a bad idea lol.


About 30 min there we move back to the dance floor for another bump and grin session and then we decide we would leave. On the way back home we're holding hands and when she gets to her place I just give her a hug and go home.


The following day, I see her at work and we discuss the events of the prior night. It seemed like she was okay with it and didn't feel like anything was awkward which I was pleased about. We decide that we weren't going to that get in the way of our friendship and keep things cool.


Now here come my dilemma...


I am very attracted to her and I can see myself dating her. However, I'm not quite sure if that is the case for her. I'm uncertain if she's okay with dating a coworker or if she expects anything more to come out of what had happened that night. My gut feels that she doesn't expect me to do anything and what had happened that night was a one time thing. However, I don't want that to be the case.


How do you guys think I should pursue this matter? In the long-term I can see myself being happy with her as my SO but I still think it would be difficult to start seeing each other if she still had a "no dating coworker" mentality. Considering what had happened that night, perhaps she may feel something as well?


Any thought?

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I was responsible for training 3 new hires from my place of occupation.

I started flirting with each other.




I buy her a shot...As we're dancing I notice that she's really dancing close to me and before you know it we were up close bumpin and grindin.


went for the kiss again, and this time she reciprocated where we made out for a few min. Keep in mind this is in front of our coworkers who are cheering us on :D


We head back to the dance floor where we resume bumpin and grindin but this time we're making out full on!


I am very attracted to her and I can see myself dating her. I'm uncertain if she's okay with dating a coworker or if she expects anything more to come out of what had happened that night. How do you guys think I should pursue this matter?
Well, she doesn't seem to be very firm with her "no's" and you seem to be doing pretty well at persuading her.


I don't think you need much help. Just keep the flirting and see what happens. Good luck.

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