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Anxiety pain in stomach


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My girlfriend of three years broke things of with me in Sept.I know we had a unhealthy relationship due to her trust issues and insecurity causing many problems and many mini breakups over the last three years.The problem is for some reason we kept getting back and I kept thinking things would change but never did.Now this last time we got back together it ended due to her trust issues, she said she cannot trust me and never will, keep in mind I never cheated and was completely loyal she just has issues with trust and assumed things that were not happening and even asked if I was cheating on her during an intimate moment making love, it was insane:eek:....Well it turns out she had met someone else during a mini breakup back Aug and now im completely devistated but know it was the wrong woman and unhealthy relationship.My question is I have had a pain in the top of my stomach constantly and I cannot stop thinking about her and this new guy.I logically know we would not have been good long term but for some reason I still have that relationship withdrawal anxiety and cold sweats at night, cant eat or sleep or concentrate just need to get out of this haze....any suggestions?

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