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Did I Shoot Myself In The Foot?

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Hello Everyone,


I introduced myself to a girl about five years ago when I first moved into a new neighborhood. She lives about two blocks away. I was initially interested in her, but she was seeing someone and we just stayed friends. Eventually I met someone as well, but currently we found ourselves both single at the same time for the last 6 months. Over the time that I knew her, I found her to be very irresponsible in certain areas, so I lost any desire to be in a relationship with her. I never really felt that she was interested in pursuing anything serious with me anyway. However, since we have been both single, we have been hooking up as "friends with benefits".


Here is the problem. She called me about two weeks ago to get together and stood me up. It was a Saturday night as well and I cancelled other plans to hang with her. I really felt like having a few drinks without worrying about driving, so it was supposedly the perfect option. So not only did I get stood up, it blew my Saturday night as well.


I called and texted after an hour went by, but didn't hear back. Finally the next morning she texted me and said, "I had to meet a friend last night, she is going through a tough time". My reply was, "...and you couldn't let me know this last night because?". She went on to give a lame excuse that she wasn't around her phone the rest of the night (yeah, right). I told her that it was very rude and uncool to do that. The last thing she wrote was, "I get it and I apologize"...not sounding too sorry about it if you ask me.


Whether she really did have to meet a friend or another guy, I really don't care, but please have the decency to let me know if you cannot make it. I haven't heard from her since and now I'm starting to feel like I shot myself in the foot because now I lost my FWB. Is this a case where I should have just kept my mouth shut? I even slept on it and was still pissed off about it the next morning, which is when I left her know about it.


Would like to hear what you guys think. Thanks!

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Well it's a pretty damn good chance that it was another guy. Otherwise she would have texted you and let you know about the emergency, but i mean how many times have you seen that happen?


Anyway, either way you are not really in a position to do much. She's lying to you likely and doesn't want to tell you the truth and if it is another guy that means she will stop banging you and banging somebody else anyway.


It wasn't wrong that you told her what she did was wrong when in fact it was wrong, don't kiss the bitches butt, you can't be all passive and mr pussy nice guy anyway.


If i were you i'd just drop and it leave it, see if she comes back for some action, and if not then you know she just met another guy. Most women only want one penis at a time, and if they don't...you should probably find something safer to poke at night....there's always more women.

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