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A powerful self healing tool for anxiety, obsessive thinking and confusion


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This is a very powerful technique that I found while trying to understand/heal my own horrible heartbreak experience and one I now share with anyone I know going through a terrible/anxiety provoking experience. The best part about it is that it helps turn the experience from pure torture into an experience that you actually grow to love yourself more through.




Very often, when we are in crisis, the different voices in our heads are at war with each other as we try to decide what to do. That is because each of these voices is an aspect of our ego-mind that is trying to “win” over other aspects of the ego-mind. This keeps us in a polarized and disconnected state that makes it extremely difficult to move forward in any direction. Should I call, should I wait, should I stay, should I go? Etc. etc. During heartbreak this mental war/inner conflict can almost be unbearable.


The power of this exercise is that it moves us out of the judgmental, polarity zone of “good and bad”, “right and wrong”, “success and failure”, and into the unified state of total self love and acceptance. In this place our soul, or higher self, can guide us through these experiences in a state of “knowingness” rather than conflict.


It also shifts our personal paradigm to free ourselves of energetic points of attraction that keep us in bad patterns or difficult situations. eg. attracting or being attracted to the heart breaking types.


After doing this exercise you will have far greater clarity on what to do or not do, and many blockages will have been released. It is very powerfully self healing.


I recommend you do this exercise whenever you are feeling really triggered about your relationship experience especially if you are considering an action like calling/texting or destroying something. Channel all that energy into this self healing exercise and you will really be doing something to help yourself.


For deep issues you may need to do this exercise several times as it activates more unconscious material that is ready to be processed. Keep doing the exercise every time you are feeling churned up or obsessing over the experience.


It’s also a great idea to make a practice of doing a couple of pages of it every morning so you can begin your day from an integrated and whole place especially if you wake up with your mind racing.





Sit quietly and really focus on yourself. Become aware of all the things you are feeling or thinking about your ex or the relationship.


Repeatedly write out the statement “I LOVE AND ACCEPT THE PART OF ME THAT…….”


filling in the last part with something you have identified yourself to be experiencing. To truly benefit from this exercise include the following 3 elements.



Identify everything YOU are feeling or thinking, “good” and “bad”


E.g. you are feeling angry, write out - “I love and accept the part of me that is angry”


You want to get back with your ex – “I love and accept the part of me that wants to get back with my ex”


You also want to stay broken up – “I love and accept the part of me that wants to stay broken up”


PURPOSE - This step integrates our conscious conflicted aspects.




Identify what you see in the OTHER PERSON OR EXPERIENCE, “good” and “bad”


E.g. you think your ex is beautiful, write out – “I love and accept the part of me that is beautiful”

You think your ex is non-committal – “I love and accept the part of me that is non-committal”

Your ex was violent and hostile – “I love and accept the part of me that is violent and hostile”


PURPOSE - This step integrates our unconscious “shadow” aspects we project on to other people or things. Shadow aspects are “good” and “bad” parts of us that have been suppressed because they are not seen as “acceptable” or “lovable”. They may also be unintegrated aspects of past life personalities eg. we may have been a violent, hostile warrior and that energetic aspect of us has been pushed deep into the “shadow” because it has been judged “evil” or “wrong”. These unintegrated shadow aspects create the charge that keeps you attracted to or thinking continuously about your ex.




Identify what you imagine or perceive the OTHER PERSON OR EXPERIENCE thinks or feels about you, “good” and “bad”


E.g. you think your ex found you needy, write out- “I love and accept the part of me that is needy”

Your ex told you you didn't make enough money–“I love and accept the part of me that doesn't earn enough money”

Your ex called you irresponsible – “I love and accept the part of me that is irresponsible”


PURPOSE - Very often we are worried about what other people think about us and we feel any “imperfection” makes us unworthy of love. We often project on to others the power to decide what is lovable or unlovable about us and then torture ourselves for not measuring up. Judgment from others usually is a reflection of how we are consciously or unconsciously judging ourselves instead of unconditionally loving and accepting ourselves.




Write and write and write this statement out, covering all three elements, until nothing more arises. You might have to write 1, 3, 5, 10 pages, it doesn’t matter, and don’t worry, it will end.




Eventually you may become drowsy or sleepy. When this happens, or you just run out of things to write, stop and sit and meditate. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.


Imagine or create the intention that all of those parts of you that have been in conflict, and are pulling you in every direction, are now coming together within you. Sit and meditate in this state for 10 or 15 minutes. This should feel very peaceful.


If more thoughts and feeling begin to arise continue to write them down and then return to your meditative state.


After completing the integrative meditation, you are now in the best place to make important decisions or take action as you will be coming from a soul centered, unified state.



Please let me know if you have any questions. I would be happy to clarify this exercise for you.


This exercise was created by Georgia Jean and THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT.

Copyright © 2010 by Georgia Jean. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to freely redistribute this article as long as the author’s name and website http://www.circleevolution.com are included.

Edited by georgiahahaha
I paste the article twice
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