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not calling when they say they will


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okay, i need some input on this one (as in: am I overreacting?).


i've been e-mailing with a guy i met online for a good ten days or so. at some point, he said that we seemed to have a lot in common and should talk on the phone or get together. i say, great, here's my number. he writes back to ask about good nights to call and gives me his number. i write back to say that monday and tuesday night (of this week) would work.


no phonecall comes on either night. i checked my e-mail this a.m. (wed.), and he'd written to say that the night had "gotten away from him," that he wanted to respond to my note but was tired and would write more soon. he didn't say anything about calling. and (the worst part) he got my name wrong in his message--my e-mail address is very different from my name, which might have confused him, but still, we *have* been e-mailing back and forth for a bit. . . .


should i just say, the guy's tired, cut him some slack? should i say, he can't even get it together to call after saying he would, so move on? should i call him at some point, even tho' he hasn't been able to get it together to call me and couldn't remember my name?


i know that at this point i'm feeling a little annoyed and disappointed, but i don't know if i'm reacting to the present or the past (i've been here before). thoughts?

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Was it your home number?

You don't really want to give out your number in future to some guy you have know *online* *for only 10 days*.

That was stupid, naive and expecially *dangerous*.

Don't you ever do anything like that again unless you want a maniac knocking at your door late at night.


Said that, take things easy...you don't really know each other yet.

Perhaps he was just shy/embarassed so he didn't call.

Perhaps a woman giving out her number so easily scared him and he though *you*were a maniac :p (or had anyway some problems).


Hope he turns out to be a nice guy :)

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I'd chill. He had the decency to email you this morning to explain to you what happened.


Put the shoe on the other foot. If you'd meant to call someone but got too busy and then at least explained even though you were bushed, would you be impressed if the person got mad at you anyway?


He also gave you his phone number. I'd not stress at all about giving him your number unless there's a very good reverse directory available in your town (they are often restricted), particularly since you have his.

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thanks for the responses, moimeme and pyrannaste.


you both had some good points. i know what you mean about not giving out my number, pyrannaste. but he also gave me his, as moimeme mentioned. plus, by the time i gave him my number, i knew his real e-mail address and the place where he works. so i felt okay giving out that personal info.


anyway, i will heed the advice to give him some slack. glad to be able to rely on cooler heads than mine. that's the problem with having been through the dating round a few times--you get so many reaction patterns built up from bad experiences that it can be hard not to overreact to new ones.


more evidence that whatever happens with this guy or any other, i should probably move veeeery slooowly into dating again.

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you get so many reaction patterns built up from bad experiences that it can be hard not to overreact to new ones.


Ah! The ever-popular 'baggage' ! :D

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