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The anger is eating at me years later


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I didn't lose my virginity like everyone else did. I was young and naive and my upbringing was very sheltered. I got date raped by someone. I cried my lungs out, but the guy didn't stop. I blamed myself for a long time, that's an understatement. Thanks to our legal system I didn't have enough evidence. The guy got off. I can't express my rage in words. I could've gotten an STD or gotten pregnant. I was lucky I didn't. I have so much rage: at the guy, at the legal system everything.


I have been seeing a therapist but she doesn't specialize in this area. She referred me to somewhere else. But it's in the area that the rapist hangs out. So I really don't want to go there.


Above all I just wish someone would rape this guy, like he did to me.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I didn't lose my virginity like everyone else did. I was young and naive and my upbringing was very sheltered. I got date raped by someone. I cried my lungs out, but the guy didn't stop. I blamed myself for a long time, that's an understatement. Thanks to our legal system I didn't have enough evidence. The guy got off. I can't express my rage in words. I could've gotten an STD or gotten pregnant. I was lucky I didn't. I have so much rage: at the guy, at the legal system everything.


I have been seeing a therapist but she doesn't specialize in this area. She referred me to somewhere else. But it's in the area that the rapist hangs out. So I really don't want to go there.


Above all I just wish someone would rape this guy, like he did to me.


Have you ever considered counseling? My ex has all of these emotions pent up inside, but never told anyone (she was molested by her father as a child).


It used to kill me that she would have all of this inside, cry a lot for no reason, avoid sex (or feel pain during it), have night terrors (not nightmares. way way worse)...


She never told her family, only a few bf's and her best friends. If you haven't already gone to counseling, please do. It helps a lot. I'm doing it myself.

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I'm sorry that this happened to you. It is a horrible thing and I'm sorry that you received no form of justice. Ask your current therapist if she could provide you a different recommendation as it will hurt you to think about being in the same area as that terrible person.


You deserve so much better and I wish nothing but the best for you. My heart breaks thinking of such things because no one deserves to go through that.

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