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In love and confused

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Hello All, I am in need of a little advice and would like some input on what you all think or would do.


I am currently dating my brother's ex-girlfriend, we are romantically involved and both have been friends for a long time (10 years). She recently moved to Missouri and after discussions about our feelings for each other decided to pursue a relationship. We both have very strong feelings for each other and are very happy however I am a little worried about everyones feelings when this gets out in the open. My brother knows she is currently staying with me but is un-aware of the extent of our relationship. We did have a previous "one night stand" shall I say about 8 or 9 years ago however that he is aware of. I am kind of torn on what to do, and the fact that they have a 9 year old daughter together (my niece) makes it harder. Me and my brother are best friends and I don't want to harm our relationship but I really do care a great dral for this women.


Am I doing something wrong here?? They have been seperated for 9 years living in different states and do not get along at all. HELP?????????????????

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Wow I finally found someone in my same situation!! Well almost. I have been with my ex's brother for 2 years now. So I obviously don't consider what you are doing, wrong. I do however think your brother should have been told about this right when it all began or even before anything happened. It's going to be a big shocker when it comes out in the open! You are aware of this though, and if you are willing to deal with what may come your way, then go for it! Stay in the relationship. Truth is, if there is hype about this relationship as people find out, I think they will eventually get over it. Also, it really isn't up to anyone else but the two of you, if you guys are together. :)


My current boyfriend called me up and asked me out to dinner a few months after his brother broke up with me. I said yes, but we then both decided it might be a bad idea. He then decided to tell his brother how he felt about me and asked for his "permission" I guess, for lack of a better word, to pursue something with me. Thank goodness his brother said to go for it! ;)


I suggest you make it clear to everyone, especially your brother, that the last thing you want to do is hurt anyone, but the two of you are following your hearts and want to be together. If your brother and everyone involved is okay with it, or becomes okay with it in time, everything will work out just fine! Trust me, if these people truly do want what's best for you and want you to do what makes you happiest, they well accept it or end up accepting it...and eventually one day it will be no big deal, it will pretty much be forgotten and somehow everything will feel completely normal and right!! :D

Best wishes!!

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Thanks Becks, to know their are others out their in my situation really helps. And I am planning on telling my brother as soon as we figure out how to approach the whole situation. Part of me doesn't think he will care but I am also afraid of what I will do if he is unaccepting of the situation. Wish me Luck!!


P.S. I am recently divorced myself and my brother and my ex-wife are really close friends as well, maybe we should just swap!!!



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