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Try to be friends or let go?


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The love of my life broke up with me, twice. And still says she wants to be friends. Yet she is kinda making it difficult. Should i try to be her friend because we have been through so much and she was a good friend, or after everything thats happened, just let go?

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Lefty, please, please trust me when I say this: do not try to be her friend straight away.


I never really understood why a person would deliberately put themself through so much pain by being friends right away with person they broke up with, even though I personally tried to "test" that theory out before when the guy I was involved with said he no longer wanted me in "that" way, but wanted to be friends. To this day, I know I should've left the moment he said those words, or at least taken a long break.


I understand that she is your friend, I really do, and while she may very well be a good one to you, the truth is that the feelings of love you have for her eventually took over those of friendship... and they're much stronger, much more potent. There's no sense in me telling you that you can never be friends with her again, because I can't tell the future. You never know. But honestly, you have to be truthful to yourself and take some apart from her. She broke up with you twice, and I don't have to assume that it most likely hurt like hell both times. And unless you want to see yourself possibly get more hurt by eventually hearing about her future boyfriends and details about her interactions with other men, then being friends right now doesn't seem like a good idea.


Basically, it sounds like she's been the one calling most of the shots in this situaton, so maybe it's time for you to make a decision for yourself for once.

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