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suspcious mind


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HELP! I AM GOING CRAZY! sorry i had to scream at someone. but i am driving myself crazy, i am always asking my boyfriend and sometimes my kids questions don't should not matter to anyone but matter to me.


i think i must of been doing this for years but just now noticing how annoying it is cause it is driving me nuts!


for instance, i ask my bf why is so and so's car always parked next to you? who was that, what did they want? where were you? where are you? what are you doing that for? why do you do this, why do you do that? why don't you do this, why don't you do that?


on and on and on and on! i am going crazy, i've never really noticed the extent of my drilling others and it is so annoying yet i can't seem to stop. i yell at myself to SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! but i don't even listen to me!


i rattle on and on in my head about something that has been done and over with or i wish i would of said and on and on and on and on! i am going crazy, i can't stand to be in my own head! this is nuts or i am!


i am ready to leave my bf cause of my problem so i don't have to expose him to me and my annoying ways, but i think i should go to counseling or something after i leave him, but i think i would grow more with him as a challenge to not subject him to "me". but it is not fair to him to be put through all this drilling just because of something going on in my head and i don't even know what it is!


how do you deal with something so bothersome?



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Having obsessive thoughts can be dealt with successful through psychotherapy and new excellent medications. You will need to contact a highly qualified psychiatrist for this treatment. A few visits should do the trick.


In normal circumstances, a person would have control over his thoughts and actions. Yours seem to be out of your immediate ability to regulate. But you will be fine. But do seek professional help as soon as possible. You are not going crazy. Just some neurotransmitting chemical problems that can be corrected.

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