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Did you wish your ex happy birthday/thanks giving

smokey bear

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The ex's birthday is in a month, just wanted to hear some stories.


I wont be contacting mine so im not looking for advice on wether to do it or not, just stories of what you did.


Did you wish them well, did anything come from it?


Did you ignore it, did it create a reaction?

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Wished him happy birthday last month and got a "thanks <insert nickname here>!"


Was hoping he'd send me something over Thanksgiving but I got nothing. I also resisted the urge to be kind and wish him and his family that I know so well a Happy Thanksgiving. If he can be so cold on a day when everyone and their mother texts eachother, then I'll pass on being heartwarming.

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I was the dumper last year and do you know it actually pissed me off that my ex didnt wish me happy birthday.

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wondering why you feel that way, as the dumper. my ex's (i'm the dumpee) birthday is still a few months away, but i was thinking i might do it, if i'm in the right frame of mind.

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My ex's birthday is on December 17th, and I plan on mailing him a birthday card. I have been NC for a little over two months and he has tried to reach out to me twice already. I figure since he has tried to reach out, that I have a little more power in the situation and that it would be alright if I reach out now, versus if he hasn't tried to contact me at all. I am not expecting anything to happen, I am doing it for him, not myself. I will let you guys know how it goes when that time comes around haha

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I don't send my ex a thanksgiving or christmas note.

But i am thinking whether i should send her one on valentinesday.


I started dating my ex girlfriend on valentinesday itself.

So despite me being nc for the last 2 months and most likely the rest of my life.

I think that i will send her a valentines message.

Not to get her back , not to get her to want me back.

But simply as a thank you reminder of all the great times.


In the end it's probably a stupid thing to do.

Because while i will spend atleast an hour or 2 thinking of the perfect short message to wite her , who knows what she and her bf will be doing on valentines day itself.

I know she wont be thinking of me , thats for sure.

But then again like i said , this isn't an attempt to break nc or get her back.

It's simply a thank you note because it is valentinesday after all , she is the girl i truely love , and since we started dating on valentinesday , it would've been our 2 year anniversary and in a way i can't just ignore that since we broke up as friends.

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I was the dumper last year and do you know it actually pissed me off that my ex didnt wish me happy birthday.


interesting. i didn't bother reaching out to my ex on his birthday (which was in july) or for thanksgiving -- he was the dumper. it didn't cause any kind of reaction from him at all.


i always assume if someone dumps you that they don't want anything to do with you after that. so why should it make a difference if the dumpee reaches out or not?

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Did I wish my ex a happy birthday or Thanksgiving?


Not just no but, 'Oh HELL NO"!!!:laugh:



I couldn't have said it better!

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I was dumped at the end of may for another guy. But my case is a little more complicated because of her kids. I bonded with her kids and bcame their Dad because there dads are not involved in their lives. They turned 4 & 5 in August. Her B day is Juky 5th. I sent her a card, I sent the kids cards with tots r us gift certificates. The girl is aug 12, the boy aug 29th. Mine is aug 10th. For my B day I got nothing. Although she did have the little girl leave me a message thanking me and then she sent me a text thanking me for the boys gift. So then I sent a Halloween card to the kids and a Thanks giving day card to the kids. I heard nothing. I was doing some LC reaching out up until 7 weeks ago today. I went complete no contact at that point. I'm sure the new boyfriend who I know is an insecure little dweeb is telling her to ignore me. And she will. Because she is a follower. Not a leader. I guess htree years of good history and being a dad to her kids mean nothing. .. Waiting on Karma.. : ). But I'm torn about sending the kids gifts for Christmas. I don't want to take it out on them, but I also don't want her to think I'm still waiting in the shadows. Because she has NO idea how I have been missing them.



My story if your interested.


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I was the dumper about 1.5 year ago and 6 months later he sent me a happy birthday text message... I didn't respond to it. We were also no contact at that period.

Maybe it created a reaction out of him like "She doesn't care ! :lmao:"

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Thought about it... posted about it here... didn't do it as I was clearly doing it to gain a reaction, despite what I was telling myself and others. The day after I felt fine about it, whereas if I'd have sent something I know I'd be thinking about it for a lot longer...

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I got an almost scrambled happy birthday mail msg from my ex gf one day before my birthday (at that time we were 4 months nc).


I didn't wish her happy bd two months after mine. I didn't do it bc it didnt feel right and at that time I thought to myself it isn't my birthday bc I made it all about me and to forget her. I also didn't do it in order to regain some of the power she took when she broke up with me abruptly .


maybe I'll wish her happy new years, just to mess with her brain a little.:p

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My STBX (dumper) birthday was the day before Thanksgiving. I picked the kids up at 2 that day and I didn't say a word about her birthday. Since I had the kids all Thanksgiving weekend, I didn't say anything like Happy Thanksgiving either. Did it get a reaction? I highly doubt she cared one bit about it.

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Do you think its different if your in contact, i believe during nc they wouldnt bother but if you were lc it might

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I tried like once a wek for four weeks to get my ex to speak with me, then she sent me nasty note that said my attempts to talk to her were harrassment, along with other nasty things. So no, no bday card. For thanksgiving, I sent her parents a card with a note that said please don't share this with your daughter. Just really wanted to wish them a nice holiday season. I'd like to with her, but not gonna feed her harrassment talk.

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Her birthday was a couple of weeks ago... I didn't call her or text her...


On second thought, even if I wanted to do that, and I didn't, I didn't have her number as I never learned it and anytime she called me I deleted it...


Anyway, after 3 months of zero contact she called me, 3 days after I ignored her birthday...


Coincidence? I think not, but I really don't care...

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Her birthday was a couple of weeks ago... I didn't call her or text her...


On second thought, even if I wanted to do that, and I didn't, I didn't have her number as I never learned it and anytime she called me I deleted it...


Anyway, after 3 months of zero contact she called me, 3 days after I ignored her birthday...


Coincidence? I think not, but I really don't care...



I think it does bother them lol

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