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introducing: f it all mode

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Right now i'm in a sort of "f it all" mode. One of the most frustrating things is the desire for companionship, in combination with a conflicting wish to ban anyone from my life who might be likely to cause pain, or leave without warning, or turn on me unexpectedly, or even just not care as much as myself. But that would mean excluding everyone, because every person has the power to disappoint. Furthermore, I'm not even good at being social, or outgoing (or whatever). I'm charming once you get me talking, but that's a big if..... Most people will never know me at all. I guess this post is for all the people who are sick of going through the motions in a continuous anti-productive state of limbo, but still smile on the outside (just barely).

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*Claps hands*, unbelieveable! I could have wrote that. So tentative on overall trust with anyone. Even second guessing motives of those i know as friends.


Can't deny that it is wrecking my life though. I feel it's an OVER-self-preservation thing. Protecting ones self from potential harm, even though it probably rarely exists. If your pessimistic by nature, this theme is not uncommon.


From LS, I've kinda gathered that I have to get in that UNCOMFORTABLE place of an extrovert, and embrace others in order to realise it aint all what it seems.

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