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has success gone to his head?


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my boyfriend who use to be so sweet has turned jekyl and hyde on me. he has a business and it is taking off finally but so is he attitude. i can understand him being proud and happy about being successful, but i can't understand why all of a sudden he is treating me like a low class citizen.


he is rude to me, and acts like he is so perfect, it is making me feel so bad about myself. i try to be what he needs but it seems the more i try the less he notices anyway, and i feel like crap about trying to kiss his butt and i feel like i'm wasting his time now.


then there are times, like in the evening when we are away from the pressures of our jobs and he is so loving and mellow once again, but at times he still snaps at me, i feel like a little kid getting reprimanded for something.


i can only be so supportive, which i think i have been, but it is getting to the point where i may start to resent his business because of the way he is acting towards me. i don't begrudge him his success, i am happy for him, he is happy, but he is just and axx hole towards me now.


why? what happened? how can i deal with his attitude towards me, and his gruffyness then happiness. what a roller coaster, and i hate roller coasters! and this one i am really starting to hate! help! any ideas?

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There is simply no excuse for his attitude. Most very successful men have an innate sense of humility, dignity and ethics. They treat people with consideration and respect. Your guy will be humbled one day, be patient.


You need to have a real good talk with him. Look him square in the eye and let him know you are NOT going to tolerate his inconsiderate and disrepectful behavior any longer.


If he continues after you have given him this very reasonable request, JUST LEAVE HIM!!! If you stay around after that, you have no room to complain and the treatment you receive from him will be 100 percent, totally and completely, YOUR FAULT AND RESPONSIBLITY.


I do hope he changes. He is capable of it. If in your talk you find out it may be stress induced, suggest he get massage therapy, join and gym, meditate or do other things to reduce the stress. In my book, not even stress is an excuse for being mean to someone.


It sounds like you have been very nice and kind to him. For him to treat you this way is totally uncalled for.


Remember, talk to him...and if he doesn't change in a reasonable time, kick him out the door. NEVER, EVER EVER ALLOW ANY PERSON, MAN OR WOMAN, TO TREAT YOU UNKINDLY....NEVER!!!

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