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"Bitter" is a state of mind

El Brujo

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El Brujo is inviting you to look into his crystal ball so you can learn the secret of how to be better instead of bitter!


I was sorting through some junk around the house, throwing out what was no good and boxing up other stuff for a monster yard sale next year... and I got to thinking, "this is stupid. Why am I knocking myself out trying to find some woman who's a catch, when I can turn the tables and BECOME a catch? Why should I feel gypped, when I can turn the tables and make others feel gypped instead?"


Here's what you have to do:

1. Get totally organized. Get rid of all the crap you don't need---sell it, throw it out, douse it with gasoline and burn it for all I care, but in any case, get rid of it.

2. If you're unemployed, screw working for someone else. Use whatever skill you have and be your own boss.

3. Accomplish something... build a bridge, compose symphonies, write novels.

4. If you have addictions, kick 'em. If you can't control a monkey on your back, you sure as hell ain't gonna control your own destiny.

5. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Let others feel sorry for themselves instead, because "bitter" only happens when you let yourself think that you're missing out. Let THEM feel gypped for a change.

6. Think of all those New Year's resolutions you didn't keep, and start keeping them now.

7. Don't listen to people who tell you to become something you're not; it's your life, not theirs.

8. Don't brag about your sexual conquests even if you're telling the truth and you've actually had them. The world doesn't need another Wilt Chamberlain.


Granted, this thinking in 180-degree terms will require you to become a little arrogant... but look at it this way, if you've accomplished something with your life to turn you into a "catch", you'll at least have something worth being arrogant about. AND you can have some evil fun turning down all the hotties you attract who aren't your type.


Like Muhammad Ali said, "if you can do it, it ain't bragging". ;)

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