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Torn b/t long term BF and best friend lover

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law student

I am a girl in a relationship that has a close guy friend. I have never cheated on anyone in my entire life, until recently. I love my guy friend "Dane" and we get along great. However, I am still living with my BF and we, meaning BF, Dane and I, are all close friends. My BF loves me, however, doesn't give me the sexual attention that I beg for and have been begging for going on 4 years now. I think lDane oves me, and he does give me sexual attention.


Dane and I have the best sex I have ever had in my entire life. We also have the best relationship. We really do finish each other's sentences and have too many intimate inside jokes to mention. Everyone at school has made the comment that Dane and I are dating more than my BF and I are.


The main problem is that Dane has previously made it clear that he doesn't want a GF while we are in school. I am unsure if this was to protect himself, or because there was no one that he was interested in or if he really meant it. (He has given indications that he may not have meant it.) I don't know how to react to this. He makes me feel like the only person in the entire world when I am with him, sexually or not. He is amazingly sweet and kind. However, I am unsure of his intentions.


From any of the guys, or girls, out there...any advice on this situation?

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HUH???? Hey are you really a law student? If you are maybe you should study divorce court. I think you would be good at it.

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Yes, I really am a law student, which would imply that I would be slightly more rational and intelligent about my choices. However, the problem that I am having is not one that I feel rationally about. Until now I never understood what people meant by thinking with their hearts and not their heads. I do have more sympathy and understanding for those situations due to my current feelings. I feel terrible that my problem does not appear to be worthy of advice or understanding and I truly do hope that you never have to deal with wanting something that you can't have and not being able to understand why you want it.

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