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Mixed Feelings After Cheating

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Woman cheats on her bf with his best friend. And they do it in her best friend's car. Next day she feels guilt, but she also feels physically good. Does the fact that she did something so naughty, so devious, part of the thrill? Does it add to the excitement? or does being naughty add nothing to the thrill

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Woman cheats on her bf with his best friend. And they do it in her best friend's car. Next day she feels guilt, but she also feels physically good. Does the fact that she did something so naughty, so devious, part of the thrill? Does it add to the excitement? or does being naughty add nothing to the thrill


Why do you ask? Are you the "friend", the woman, or the boyfriend?


Regardless, who cares. She is a cheating C, and the friend is no friend at all.

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Ask her if she would feel so good if the boyfriend did it with another woman behind her back and put her health at risk for std's? I bet it would not be so thrilling to her.

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Damn, I wish I knew the article. Anyways, I read an article one time about cheating women. It stated that a lot of women that cheat USUALLY don't feel too guilty about cheating. But, once they're caught, then the truth of what they did and how many people in their lives it affected; that's when they truely feel the guilt.

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