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Ex's parent is dying and she wants to get back with m


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I've found myself in a horrible position, I went out with a girl for around 10 months, she was great but I felt something was missing in the relationship plus i'd just come out of a long relationship previously so I ended up breaking it off knowing that she wasn't the one for me. Its been around 3 months and I went for a date this week with a girl I know has liked me for a while, it went really really well and we clicked instantly. Great right?


A few days after I get this message from my ex saying how she loves me and she'll never get over me and if I got another girlfriend it would utterly destroy her. (I guess she caught wind of my date) then right at the end she says she found out her mum has got a year to live. I knew she'd got cancer and been pretty ill with it so I know she isn't lying. And that her world was falling down in front of her.


I've done by best with a reply, obviously I'm not getting back with her, that would do more harm than good. She laid it on a bit thick then and thats fine, I can understand her being cross etc. I've sent some more replys trying to balance support but from a friends perspective.


Thing is though, this may sound like I'm being selfish, how can I possibly get on with my life (i.e seeing this girl who I got on really well with again) knowing it could possibly destroy my ex in this dark hour?

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do or say, I'm at a complete dead end with this one, cheers! x :(

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