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I'm so done with the pain! Angry message!


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Finally pushed me to the limits...2-3yr relationship is gone...oh well!

She broke it off and I'm walking away....I fought that battle for 2 months trying to get back but no I'm done fighting.


I would have never thought she would be the one to walk away and throw in the towel. But hey her loss!


After she breaks up she already starts talking to a guy. But has the nerve to keep saying IDK about how she feels. Give me a break I ain't playing your childish game. You either with me or you not, there's no in between. I ain't waiting around for and keep hearing IDK when you trying to talk to some guy to see if it works out or not. Give me a break.


She downgraded from a nursing major (me) to some mechanic muscle head that goes to bars and spends time with his cars and toys. What do I have? A heart for everybody pure of gold. So what if he has the money, the house, the cars, the boats now...Just wait till I'm graduated. Then we'll see who comes running back crying for my love.


He's your problem now. You had your chance and I was more then willing to share my future with you! But no you gave up on us and couldn't understand my stress from school. Some love you had. I'll be damn if you try to make me look like a fool chasing after you.


Finally stuffed all your stuff in a drawer that I never open. That's where you belong. You may not realize this now but he's going to walk all over you and only then will you realize what you left behind. What heart that really loved you that you threw away. And when he does put you to the ground...don't come crying to me. But if you do and if I still love you and if I know you didn't go to far with him....maybe...just maybe I'll consider us again.


I hope you open your eyes and see how much you changed for the worse.


I'm making myself better, going to the gym, new clothes, new hairstyle. I realized EVERYTHING! And is all this for you? NO its for me and for the next girl that deserve to be with me and that will show me she loves me! Not this IDK horse sh*t!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Finally pushed me to the limits...2-3yr relationship is gone...oh well!

She broke it off and I'm walking away....I fought that battle for 2 months trying to get back but no I'm done fighting.


I would have never thought she would be the one to walk away and throw in the towel. But hey her loss!


After she breaks up she already starts talking to a guy. But has the nerve to keep saying IDK about how she feels. Give me a break I ain't playing your childish game. You either with me or you not, there's no in between. I ain't waiting around for and keep hearing IDK when you trying to talk to some guy to see if it works out or not. Give me a break.


She downgraded from a nursing major (me) to some mechanic muscle head that goes to bars and spends time with his cars and toys. What do I have? A heart for everybody pure of gold. So what if he has the money, the house, the cars, the boats now...Just wait till I'm graduated. Then we'll see who comes running back crying for my love.


He's your problem now. You had your chance and I was more then willing to share my future with you! But no you gave up on us and couldn't understand my stress from school. Some love you had. I'll be damn if you try to make me look like a fool chasing after you.


Finally stuffed all your stuff in a drawer that I never open. That's where you belong. You may not realize this now but he's going to walk all over you and only then will you realize what you left behind. What heart that really loved you that you threw away. And when he does put you to the ground...don't come crying to me. But if you do and if I still love you and if I know you didn't go to far with him....maybe...just maybe I'll consider us again.


I hope you open your eyes and see how much you changed for the worse.


I'm making myself better, going to the gym, new clothes, new hairstyle. I realized EVERYTHING! And is all this for you? NO its for me and for the next girl that deserve to be with me and that will show me she loves me! Not this IDK horse sh*t!!!!!!!!!!


Great post I can't wait to get to that stage. My wife of 10 years left me a month ago after findin her with another man, the same man she had an affair with 2 years ago, I took her back then. She's now living with him after 6 weeks and wearing his ring not mine. I still love her and am so worried about the choice she has made. I can't wait to realise she doesn't deserve me and the love I have! Well done for getting there I guess!

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The pain of betrayal hurts I know. You have a tough road ahead of you if you just stoped contact. even more so if this was your first. Don't get discouraged I'f you feel down or sad . the rollarcoaster sucks :( stay strong

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Great post I can't wait to get to that stage. My wife of 10 years left me a month ago after findin her with another man, the same man she had an affair with 2 years ago, I took her back then. She's now living with him after 6 weeks and wearing his ring not mine. I still love her and am so worried about the choice she has made. I can't wait to realise she doesn't deserve me and the love I have! Well done for getting there I guess!



Man I am deeply sorry to hear that. I hope you everything works out for you and it will get better. I passed the anger phase. Now I think I'm in the moving on phase or what ever its called. It sucks and it hurts but I can't imagine what your going through.


If I could give you a bro hug I would. Keep your chin up she'll realize. They will always realize. It may not be now but when she does it will hit her like a bag of bricks.

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The pain of betrayal hurts I know. You have a tough road ahead of you if you just stoped contact. even more so if this was your first. Don't get discouraged I'f you feel down or sad . the rollarcoaster sucks :( stay strong



Yea it hurts big time. I try so hard to initiate no contact, but I end up breaking it. My emotions are surely a rollercoaster. One day I'm angry at her and want to tell her off...the next I just want to pour my heart out to her. Yesterday was all emotions lol. Especially when she tells me how she spends time with another guy as if it doesn't or won't bother me. Man did I have to bite my tongue.


I'm trying to get out of the angry phase and into the acceptance phase. Today I did a lot better but I still have a tendancy to pour my heart to her and push her further away. Trying to go no contact...again...

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