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can't settle in one place

to tony

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You got some excellent answers to your post. You need to start living your life for yourself. As I often tell people who post here, when you are treated with lack of respect, consideration and courtesy, write the offender out of your life and move on. I know you love your daughter but there is no purpose served in you enduring endless pain over her behaviour towards you.


I also did not get the impression you were head over heals in love with your boyfriend. At times he too seems to treat you with lack of respect and decency.


Sit down where it's quiet, shut your eyes, and decide which direction you want your life to go FOR YOURSELF, not for the sake of this so-called boyfriend, your daughter, your grandchildren, or any other humans on this planet. You have got to stop living for other people and do what makes you happy.


You have no control over other people but you sure do have control over yourself. It is not my place to give my opinion about where you should be, you will have to do that for yourself. All I can tell you is STOP ALLOWING PEOPLE TO PUSH YOU AROUND AND TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE THIS MINUTE!!!

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