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Why do you need to make a fool of yourself? what will it achieve?


I think it out there and very brave it took a lot of courage...


What result do you expect?

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Why not, why hide it? I made a fool out of myself months ago by not listening to her, lets continue. If you saw this post on one of your girl friends walls... would you give that person brownie points?


I do not expect anything but hurt right now. But I am going to chase through the hurt

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Okay well good on you for following your heart and doing what you feel is right for you... I am all for that always.


Will you really wait forever?


I was with my husband for 24 years... waiting a few years longer doesn't seem hard for me. But its so hard to wait when you get nothing back....


The whole forever thing has been playing on my faith... its tough!


We made vows if he breaks them and I wait will that make me happy? or will he be happy and i wait in misery?


When do you call it quits... how long can you be unconditional and patient...


Will I be waiting forever and die an old lonely woman... what if he never comes around. Can I have a satisfying life on my own?


Its so confusing.... Do you have these questions?

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I am just like you with what I stand for and want...


BUT if i saw it on my friends wall and i knew they had moved on I would feel sorry for you - sorry


I feel sorry for me a lot of the time...

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So Im going to share with the world what I posted on her wall in front of my friends and hers

I love you with all my heart and I am never going to stop loving you ever. I made the biggest mistake of my life. I hurt you and I will never do that again. I did not realize this until tonight. I did not understand what you meant but now I do. I abandoned you. I hurt you and it was my fault because I did not know how to communicate like you said. I am sorry. I will prove that I will never abandon you ever again, if it takes me waiting for you for the rest of my life to spend my very last day on this planet with you and the love we shared it will be well worth it





If my ex posted something like that, man, my heart would melt in an instant.

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Do you know Wilson im sitting here laughing, stability Wilson, stabilty, fight the highs, fight the lows, you are losing grip of your emotional control.


I know your blood is pumping ten to a dozen but just take a moment and regain calmess then proceed.


Well what happened with the post?

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I've read this from front to back and kept up with the insanity as it's been posted.


You rationalize things in a way that allows you believe whatever you want to believe. Like everyone else, you preach one thing but find yourself unable to follow your own solid logic. Instead you rationalize things in a way that relieves you of such logical walls and allows you to act in a way that you would never suggest another person to act.


I think you're a smart person. Broken just like most here, but you have the ability to be very logical. Step outside of yourself and ask yourself... would you truly have directed your best friend/sibling/etc on this same path? I've been in your shoes and made lots of the same mistakes.


If things work out for you then I will be happy for you. If not I do believe you will regret all of these steps back that you have taken. Rationalize this as you may, I will not comment any further. I wish you nothing but the best and hope you learn from this.

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I've read this from front to back and kept up with the insanity as it's been posted.


You rationalize things in a way that allows you believe whatever you want to believe. Like everyone else, you preach one thing but find yourself unable to follow your own solid logic. Instead you rationalize things in a way that relieves you of such logical walls and allows you to act in a way that you would never suggest another person to act.


I think you're a smart person. Broken just like most here, but you have the ability to be very logical. Step outside of yourself and ask yourself... would you truly have directed your best friend/sibling/etc on this same path? I've been in your shoes and made lots of the same mistakes.


If things work out for you then I will be happy for you. If not I do believe you will regret all of these steps back that you have taken. Rationalize this as you may, I will not comment any further. I wish you nothing but the best and hope you learn from this.



There was a change in the dynamics last night, new information presented itself.

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As I've been told before, the less actions you do, the less chances you have of screwing things up. However, if the opportunity poses itself, and you can logically see it for its good and its bad, I would guess that taking the action is best (as long as you don't fool yourself.)


I hope everything works for ya, wilson. I really do. :)

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You just keep handing her all your power - even while she hasn't given any indication that she intends to consider spending ANY time with you, much less date you.


You have now shown a pathetic and desperate move - not likely to instill a reaction from her you're looking for.

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He has shown how desperate he is by posting that on her wall.


I would find it completely out of line and embarrassing - especially if I hadn't given ALL indication of being totally into him. In other words - I'd be pissed he took such liberty on an open forum to my friends without coming to me in private!


Blatant crossing of privacy boundary!!!

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He has shown how desperate he is by posting that on her wall.


I would find it completely out of line and embarrassing - especially if I hadn't given ALL indication of being totally into him. In other words - I'd be pissed he took such liberty on an open forum to my friends without coming to me in private!


Blatant crossing of privacy boundary!!!


I suggest you wait and hear all the facts before you voice your opinion, as i said early the dynmics have changed, new information has came to light.


Do not assume, it makes an ass out of you!


And sunny to really hit things home you voice again and again that she is 100% over him 100% signs and words that she doesnt care, doesnt want it.


Again you do not know all the facts, Wilson out of respect with holds a lot of information.


Stop assuming, im tired of hearing the same thing from you.


We heard you the first time, accept what he is doing, he has told you time and time again he is not going to heed your advice.


We all appreciate your 2 cents but like ive said, you dont know the facts and also your repeating yourself, we all heard it, thank you, you dont have to say it again and again

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I've read this from front to back and kept up with the insanity as it's been posted.


You rationalize things in a way that allows you believe whatever you want to believe. Like everyone else, you preach one thing but find yourself unable to follow your own solid logic. Instead you rationalize things in a way that relieves you of such logical walls and allows you to act in a way that you would never suggest another person to act.


I think you're a smart person. Broken just like most here, but you have the ability to be very logical. Step outside of yourself and ask yourself... would you truly have directed your best friend/sibling/etc on this same path? I've been in your shoes and made lots of the same mistakes.


If things work out for you then I will be happy for you. If not I do believe you will regret all of these steps back that you have taken. Rationalize this as you may, I will not comment any further. I wish you nothing but the best and hope you learn from this.




I felt embarrassed by just reading that FB post. Wilson, how will your Ex feel having such a thing visible to friends, family, co-workers, and casual acquaintances? The whole thing feels very "grand gesture-ish" which, I think we all realize, pretty much only works in the movies.

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Yah, criticism


Ok, I am going to be honest, I am conflicted right now... I have an internal battle going on


Yes I preach thing and practice another, I am actually going to preach something new soon.


I agree with everyone here that posts this. I watch this battle in myself.


Thats why I post it here on this thread as a journal of my internal conflicts. This is my story, nothing more nothing less.


BTW i took the facebook post down. Way before anyone saw it

Edited by wilsonx
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You're brave Wilson for putting yourself out there I'll give you that man. Hope it works out the best for you bud.


Edit: Ugh, bro, honestly I hope it works out for you but that note was hard to read even for everyone here who just knows you from posting.


If you ever get the urge to post something like that write it down. Look at it for a week and then decide if its still a good idea/you still want to post it.

Edited by thepedestrian
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I suggest you wait and hear all the facts before you voice your opinion, as i said early the dynmics have changed, new information has came to light.


Do not assume, it makes an ass out of you!


And sunny to really hit things home you voice again and again that she is 100% over him 100% signs and words that she doesnt care, doesnt want it.


Again you do not know all the facts, Wilson out of respect with holds a lot of information.


Stop assuming, im tired of hearing the same thing from you.


We heard you the first time, accept what he is doing, he has told you time and time again he is not going to heed your advice.


We all appreciate your 2 cents but like ive said, you dont know the facts and also your repeating yourself, we all heard it, thank you, you dont have to say it again and again


Well than we should be given all the facts. I happen to think it is borderline crazy to put that kind of post on a public forum regardless of what she is feeling. Wilson, whether the two of you get back together or not, that post will make you cringe in embarrassment the rest of your life.


Kamila: the ex that you are referring to probably broke up with you, which is why you feel that way. But an ex you dumped and no longer want anything to do with would not make your heart melt.


I am very concerned with you Wilson. You are now calling yourself the dumper. This is classic behavior of someone who cannot accept reality. You're trying to rewrite history in a way that gives you and your ex a chance. You are desperate. Unfortunately, Smokey Bear is not helping you since she was on the other side of GIGS. MOST GIGS situations do not end in reconciliation. Why? Because the dumped person eventually figures out what they are worth and know the person who got GIGS DOES NOT DESERVE THEM.


Move on and create a new life. If your ex wakes up one day and realizes she made the biggest mistake of her life, she will hunt you down and let you know. I recently had an ex girlfriend find me after 15 years and tell me how much she blew it with me. I have no interest in her what so ever, but she hunted me down to see if she could get another chance.

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Yah, criticism


Ok, I am going to be honest, I am conflicted right now... I have an internal battle going on


Yes I preach thing and practice another, I am actually going to preach something new soon.


I agree with everyone here that posts this. I watch this battle in myself.


Thats why I post it here on this thread as a journal of my internal conflicts. This is my story, nothing more nothing less.


BTW i took the facebook post down. Way before anyone saw it



What are you going to preach, i look forward to hearing this, Wilson, emotional stability! No high's no low's, Just level.

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I suggest you wait and hear all the facts before you voice your opinion, as i said early the dynmics have changed, new information has came to light.


Do not assume, it makes an ass out of you!


And sunny to really hit things home you voice again and again that she is 100% over him 100% signs and words that she doesnt care, doesnt want it.


Again you do not know all the facts, Wilson out of respect with holds a lot of information.


Stop assuming, im tired of hearing the same thing from you.


We heard you the first time, accept what he is doing, he has told you time and time again he is not going to heed your advice.


We all appreciate your 2 cents but like ive said, you dont know the facts and also your repeating yourself, we all heard it, thank you, you dont have to say it again and again


Stop telling me what I can or cannot post. I AM going from what he types. That's all we have here.


Since you think you are the other half of Wilson - and you seem to speak for him - it looks very odd... Like his Mother.


You may know more than others here - which leads anyone reading to believe he hasn't posted his truth. But it's not yours to post...that is for sure.

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