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Sex during pregancy?


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I am just curious to know how pregancy affects sex in women.


Do they engage in it less during that time, or are do they often feel too nauseated to be interested. Can you tell me about different people's experiences and how it varies?

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I am just curious to know how pregancy affects sex in women. Do they engage in it less during that time, or are do they often feel too nauseated to be interested. Can you tell me about different people's experiences and how it varies?


In pregancy a women can have a sex till sixth month


after six mths it is dangerious to have sex which


affects the vaginal track of a women.

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I am the mother of four children, and to be honest, each of my pregnancies was quite different.

It's true, sometimes the woman does feel quite nauseated in the early stages of pregnancy, but normally that goes by about week 14. Generally the middle trimester of pregnancy is the most enjoyable, both sexually and just day to day. After the sixth month, you can get a bit uncomfortable.


I found that my sex drive during pregnancy was fairly high, although I wasn't always quite as agile. Providing there are no medical reasons to abstain (eg. bleeding or a history of miscarriage etc.) then there is no reason that a couple can't continue sexual activity right up to the birth.


You just need to become a bit more inventive and creative, and remember to have a sense of humour, because with a huge belly, you don't always look like a sex siren!


Sometimes, it is the man who is reluctant to engage in sexual activity, because he has a fear of hurting the baby. Obviously it is wise to be a bit more gentle, but the little babes are a lot tougher than we think. Sometimes they even kick in protest!!

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I have 2 children- and I had sex up to and including the day that they were born. My doctor advised me that as long as it was still comfortable for me- it was perfectly fine. My husband was with me during the doctor visit when we were discussing this- and he too was concerned about hurting the baby- "from the inside"- it was funny because the doctor assured him that unless he was unusually well-endowed- he wouldn't even come close to the baby.


At the end of my pregnancy- I wanted to have sex everyday- not because I am a sex addict or anything- but when I did have sex- it caused me to have contractions. I figured that it might be able to induce labor- and I was ready to get it over with!! (and......it felt good too-hehehe)


If you are pregnant- talk to your doctor about it. I suspect that if you don't have a "high-risk" pregnancy- he\she will tell you it is fine to have sex-as long as you want to.




It's true, sometimes the woman does feel quite nauseated in the early stages of pregnancy, but normally that goes by about week 14. Generally the middle trimester of pregnancy is the most enjoyable, both sexually and just day to day. After the sixth month, you can get a bit uncomfortable.


I found that my sex drive during pregnancy was fairly high, although I wasn't always quite as agile. Providing there are no medical reasons to abstain (eg. bleeding or a history of miscarriage etc.) then there is no reason that a couple can't continue sexual activity right up to the birth.


You just need to become a bit more inventive and creative, and remember to have a sense of humour, because with a huge belly, you don't always look like a sex siren! Sometimes, it is the man who is reluctant to engage in sexual activity, because he has a fear of hurting the baby. Obviously it is wise to be a bit more gentle, but the little babes are a lot tougher than we think. Sometimes they even kick in protest!!

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It's funny that you say that about the contractions Jenna, because my gynaecologist actually told me that having sex can trigger labour if you are nearly ready anyway. At 40 weeks and heavily pregnant, my doctor told me to go home and "get stuck into my old man". Guess what - it worked.


Apparently the man's semen contains prostoglandins, which is the same substance they use in the gel used to induce labour.

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I didn't know that- interesting. Actually sex never worked to bring on real labor for me- but since we are on the subject.... what did work..... I had a doctor's appointment with each of my children on my due date- the baby had dropped into position and I was partially dialated-yet not in labor. My doctor said "lets get this show in the road"- I agreed- and she gently ran her fingers around the baby's head-where it met the cervix- and within a few hours of leaving my appointment (with both pregnancies) I had a baby in my arms!



It's funny that you say that about the contractions Jenna, because my gynaecologist actually told me that having sex can trigger labour if you are nearly ready anyway. At 40 weeks and heavily pregnant, my doctor told me to go home and "get stuck into my old man". Guess what - it worked.


Apparently the man's semen contains prostoglandins, which is the same substance they use in the gel used to induce labour.

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I would just like to say this... I am pregnant with my second child and with my first I wanted to have sex all the time. With this one I don't feel exactly the same, I still want it sometimes but not nearly as often. As for the response from MASOOM, that is not true at all. Read some books ask your doctor, Sex is perfectly healthy and natural and if you aren't uncomfortable and you do want it then go for it. It is not dangerous in any way and any doctor will tell you that!

In pregancy a women can have a sex till sixth month after six mths it is dangerious to have sex which affects the vaginal track of a women.
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