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Here's something to try, if you never have: think up the perfect place for you. Picture perfection for yourself. Where would you be? What would you be doing? What are the surroundings like? You can picture a place or a day, if you prefer. If picturing a day, how would you spend it?

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I would be with Mike in South Carolina. I would be working on the same drag team as him as an HR. That is ultimately what I want.

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The Bahamas. Sitting in the fishing boat, a cooler of beverages, with my S/O, watching the sun set and throwing all forms of communication into the sea (cell phones, pagers, laptops, whatnots). Yep thats my place :cool:

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Front row seats at the 3 1999 Lilith Fair concerts was heaven on earth. It's taken almost 5 years for Sarah Mclachlan to perform live again. Can't wait for July 30th. :D

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The perfect place is by far heaven... but I won't get there till I die. On earth, however, it would have to be the beach on a not so hot day. With no one around, very few birds, just me, the sand and the ocean. That would be a perfect time to sit and have "self" time, the perfect setting too. To think and reflect on life and the recent choices made, to journal, have a picnic, then after you've had your self time, friends could come and make the day end happily. Yeah, thats it right there...

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anyplace, with my mom!

next choice ... oooohhhhh, New England in the fall, a Caribbean island with my camera and a lot of film or traipsing around Europe without a deadline to return home!!!!

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Sitting in my grandmother's kitchen while she is making burritos and papitas (fries) and telling me all the chisme (gossip) about the family and her bingo friends. Family members and friends drift in and out and eventually we all end up drinking margaritas and laughing.


First runner up would be a beach somewhere, sunbathing, reading some Jane Austen, sipping my pina colada, and holding hands with my boyfriend.

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It would b Gede's and my wedding on a perfect summer's day, in Bali, loved ones all around, love in his eyes, love in mine... Not going to happen so may 'swell enjoy today's sunny, peaceful day...


Thanks for this post Moimeme... ur heart shines bright as always...

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Hiking in Colorado in the mountains to a glacier lake is a place that I will always remember.

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An a tropical island, with clear waters, snorkelling, eating lovely food, watching dolphins play, with my love...and if any others were there...our families. In the warm sunshine, with peace in my heart, and no obsessive thoughts...at all.

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Anyplace where I could be playing with my (& all others) dogs on and off all day, and we would all nap together and then play some more. I would brush them and cuddle and play tug and throw balls and squeak squeaky toys and howl along with the pack. I would swim with the labs and roll in the soft grass with my blind dog, and run with the pack through the trees in the shade of a cool summer day. Somewhere soft and comfortable where I could read Tolkein and Stephen King while happy dogs snored and snuffled around me, dreaming their lovely doggy-dreams and puppys shared gentle kisses with sweet puppy-milk breath. THAT would be Heaven for me! :)

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A tropical beach, with shade trees, and comfortable lounge chairs. My children and my husband, and somehow this beach is safe for my disabled son, so we can relax some too.

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A limestone stream somewhere in the North East. Early June. The soft time right before twilight, when the sun is just starting to set. Mayflies begining to hatch on the surface of the creek, a few trout starting to slowly work themselves into the feeding lanes.


The backlite image of a close friend downstream from me, the slow grace of his cast.


Dogs at my side, fly rod tucked under my arm, hands making the final knot in my tippet.


The feeling of making that first cast of the evening.

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