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sorta irritated


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K here is the deal been seeing a girl for liek 4 weeks we get along well. we have fooled around some and we have fun talking. she isnt the innocent girl she seemed like. It turns out she has madeout with alot of people, i mean like probably 30 it sounds like and she is only 20 she didnt kiss someone till she was a junior in highschool. this seems like she is moving really fast and trying to make up for lost time or some ****. I mean not all of them were even just amking out so it seeems like she has done more then that or had sex wtih soem of them.. she wont tell me how many people cause she says it is private, but she watned to know how many people i was with before. I mean that is jsut common curtisy to tell each other. So i dont kow if she is hiding the number otu of shame or something. I guess i could get over all of that.. its just that she will mention how she made out with this guy or that guy to me. she will laugh about it or act like it was just innocent fun. See that is ****ty and i go for the 4 rule.. cause i am 23 and been with 3 girls and if they have had sex with mroe then 4 and they are my age or under then i give them the boot. I just dont know how i should deal with this, cause we get along well and she seems ot be in to mee alot. we were talking 2 months prior to dating these past 4 weeks. she didnt drnk till sophmore year of college either so its not liek these were all drunken messups, she was concious and in teh right mind when she fooled around with all these people. do you think she shoudl tell me?

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I think you're both being immature. It's not your right to know about every single person she's ever touched, made out with, or had sex with. And it's not nice of her to joke about that to you when she knows it upsets you. Honestly, I find it ridiculous that you have your little "rule". All you need to know about her past encounters is whether or not she has any STDs from them that could affect you.

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She should tell you how many people she has been sexually involved with, yes. She should tell you what methods of birth control she used, or did not use, yes. She should tell you about any past risky behavior such as drug abuse and drinking, yes. She does not, however, need to get into specifics as far as names, ages, and the like.


You deserve to know about what can affect your health. If you are planning to become intimate with this girl I suggest you both go to get tested at a clinic together.


As for your "rule"... That is very foolish and completely unnecessary. A person who is, say, 22 years old can have been intimate with, say, 25 people and still be respectable and a perfectly good match for you, who will provide you with a long-lasting relationship. Numbers and age do not always mean trouble. It is possible to have a large number of monogamous relationships and still be responsible and safe. Get the full story, if your partner is willing to tell you about it, before you jump to silly conclusions about numbers.

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Just out of curiosity, why do you think he has the right to know how many people she's been with in the past? The past is the PAST and nothing either of them do now can change that. Get tested, yes. Make sure there are no diseases on either side, yes. But cold, hard numbers and facts like that? What's the point, other than to give him more things to dwell on and get upset about.

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I couldn't agree more.


If she is just rubbing the stuff about other guys in your face, then yes, you should confront the situation. Tell her not to talk about other guys around you, unless you ask, or it's important.


Your little rule is insulting. What the hell does it matter? Sometimes people find release in sex, sometimes they find recreation in it.


Seeing the gaping holes in your character just from that post, assured me that if she had a rule where she gives someone the boot if they have been with 2 guys, you would beg and plea and justify all of the 4 girls you have been with. That isn't your business. Girls do that stuff for fun, they do it because it's natural and human, and you have no right to know.

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