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Well, I have been together with my boyfriend for about 5 months. He is 24 I am 19.We are very much in love and are best friends on top of everything.


I live with 3 girls who are very close friends. At the beginning of our relationship one of my friends was steched out cause y would a 24 yr old like a 19 yr old. My other friend thought he was so sweet and was happy for me. She even came out and hung out with us and enjoyed herself. Now the tables have turned.Basically being good friend they were like be careful just casue he is older and more experieced.


Now they all hate him. Basically they feel he treats me like ##### I go running for him etc etc. Now, I know that the girls have a problem with him so I tell him not to come over to the apartment casue it will be an akward situation for me so I just go to him. he lives alone. So like anyone who respects me would do he doesnt just show up when i tell him i dont want him over or whatevr. They feel that since he has a secure job and takes me out to nice lunches/dinners, pays for everything he is trying to buy my love. They say he bulls***s me about feelings etc etc. One of my friends says he talks to me in a consending way and when i turn my back he would cheat. This is the friend that orginally opposed him cause of the age. Her sister is 24 and she is 19 and feels she could never date anyone her sisters age. My friend who orginally liked him has now bought into the whole yea hes to old doesnt treat you right but only said it after she was stood up by his friend he trie setting her up with. She says it has nothing to do with that but suddenly she is disgusted with him. They bring it to a level as to saying what can you a college student possibliy have in comon with a 24 yr old investment banker. Basically they call me an a**h*** and they dont want to see me hurt by this "a**h***". they feel im a 10 and hes a 3. By the way they have met him 2 times. twice that is it. I disagree.


He has been open with me about past relationships. He has introduced me to all his friends, both his sisters and basically everyone as his girlfriend and although im younger we are on the same level.Sure I cant sit there and discuss coporate finance but he also cant sit there and discuss dance with me but we listin to each others stories and love it. We finish each others sentences fight like best friends yet care about each other on a level I cannot believe. I feel comfortable and I know we share the same feelings. We can go out to the movies bar or just a walk and have 1 million funny or amusing things happen to us. He gave me a beautiful bracelet about a week ago beacsue he felt that even though we tell each other how much we care about each other everday sometimes you have to show the person somehow. My roomates say hes trying to buy me and hes ridculous.


Now I guess my questions are this:


I have to live with these 3 girls who oppse him deeply for reasons that i feel they are blowing up either out of boredum or whatever. I dont know if its cause they are jealous or cause they really see something wrong I feel like they take a normal situation like (example) me being sick and him asking to come over me saying dont and him not showing up anyway as like hes playing me get over himyour an idiot.they say he should be over here even faste cause hes older and should know to be over.reality is i didnt mind he didnt, they seemed to care 100 percent more.


Do they see something I dont see or are they just trying to make me question this realtionship for some reason. They have met and hung out with him literally 2 times..and as they say so rudely that is enough for them. When I say I care about him they call him a a**h*** and tell me I can do 10 times better. Im so confused. I truly just get along with this guy and all they are doing is trying me to get me away. Help

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You have some very sick and vicious friends. Your only problem in this whole thing is your choicc of lowlife friends and roommates.


I think your guy is above average and there is absolutely nothing at all wrong with a 24 year old man dating a 19 year old woman. As a matter of fact, Woodie Allen was in his late 50s when he started seeing his current wife, who at the time was 17.


You are the one who has to make the determination of who makes you happy, not your jealous, worthless "friends." True friends who had suspicions about your boyfriend would voice their opinion once and let it go. They would not make your guy feel uncomfortable when he visited you. They are the most rude and vicious slime on the planet and if you will let me know where to wire the money, I will send you enough to move away from the sleezebags.


I feel so bad that these friends have done their best to make you feel lousy about what I think is a really nice relationship. Maybe it's a keeper, maybe not...but it sounds like he is professional, treats you quite nicely, is a perfect gentleman around you, takes you to nice places and cares about how you feel. If you read posts on this forum regularly, you wouldn't read about many situations as nice as the one you are in.


Your pukey buddies are very jealous of your happiness. I mean you could room with Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Ted Bundy, Jack the Ripper, Al Capone, and some of Jerry Springer's guests and they would treat you with higher regard.


My advice to you is to cease all discussion of your boyfriend around the space you share with these snakes. Keep your mouth totally and completely shut. Let them know in a very nice way that you understand perfectly how they feel and you will not discuss him ever again and you expect the same courtesy from them.


The minute you are able to get away from these three toads, please do so. They are NOT your friends. Friends would be supportive, would be happy for you, would encourage you, etc. If this guy starts treating you bad, you will be the first to know. They have absolutely no basis to judge him based on two brief meetings.


The best thing about your guy is that he hasn't judged you on your choice of scummy friends. I feel so bad for you. These girls are just vicious bxtches you should stay far away from.


If you have any doubts about how I feel, repost. I hope others who discuss this are a little bit easier on you. The toilet in my bathroom is there for me more and makes me feel better than your roommates.

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Tony, yet again, is full of awesome advice. I must say that I agree with him. 100%


I have friends that are very similar to yours. If you've ever noticed, some people have a very hard time when something good happens to someone else and not to them. I think thats the case with you.


I agree with him especially when he says to keep your mouth shut. You will only fuel their fire. Live in your happiness and find new friends that will be excited for you, not angry and jealous.


True, he could be the one. If so, I hope you're ready for it all. And if it's any help, both of my sister's husbands are ten years older then they.


Good luck!

You have some very sick and vicious friends. Your only problem in this whole thing is your choicc of lowlife friends and roommates. I think your guy is above average and there is absolutely nothing at all wrong with a 24 year old man dating a 19 year old woman. As a matter of fact, Woodie Allen was in his late 50s when he started seeing his current wife, who at the time was 17. You are the one who has to make the determination of who makes you happy, not your jealous, worthless "friends." True friends who had suspicions about your boyfriend would voice their opinion once and let it go. They would not make your guy feel uncomfortable when he visited you. They are the most rude and vicious slime on the planet and if you will let me know where to wire the money, I will send you enough to move away from the sleezebags. I feel so bad that these friends have done their best to make you feel lousy about what I think is a really nice relationship. Maybe it's a keeper, maybe not...but it sounds like he is professional, treats you quite nicely, is a perfect gentleman around you, takes you to nice places and cares about how you feel. If you read posts on this forum regularly, you wouldn't read about many situations as nice as the one you are in.


Your pukey buddies are very jealous of your happiness. I mean you could room with Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Ted Bundy, Jack the Ripper, Al Capone, and some of Jerry Springer's guests and they would treat you with higher regard. My advice to you is to cease all discussion of your boyfriend around the space you share with these snakes. Keep your mouth totally and completely shut. Let them know in a very nice way that you understand perfectly how they feel and you will not discuss him ever again and you expect the same courtesy from them. The minute you are able to get away from these three toads, please do so. They are NOT your friends. Friends would be supportive, would be happy for you, would encourage you, etc. If this guy starts treating you bad, you will be the first to know. They have absolutely no basis to judge him based on two brief meetings. The best thing about your guy is that he hasn't judged you on your choice of scummy friends. I feel so bad for you. These girls are just vicious bxtches you should stay far away from. If you have any doubts about how I feel, repost. I hope others who discuss this are a little bit easier on you. The toilet in my bathroom is there for me more and makes me feel better than your roommates.

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When somebody else has already stated my opinion, I will not reiterate it.. Tones is right on the 8-ball.


Your friends are too involved in the little drama of this whole situation. You gotta live YOUR life. This guy (from the little that I know) seems pretty decent. Give him a chance...



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Where did you find these "friends???" Good Lord!! GET OUT OF THERE!! RUN RUN RUN- these people tend to wear on others- if they are as persistant as you say (or at least one of them)- they will continue to dig and dig until you cave.


They are way out of line to treat you this way- it is so disrespectful it makes me sick! It is true- they are not friends- they don't care about you or your feelings- if they did- they would support you and listen to what you have to say. If you must be roommates- then be just that- share the space-share the rent- but don't share anything else. If you are a paying tenent in this arrangement- don't stop your boyfriend from coming over- you have just as much right to have guests as the others do. Let them know that you are independent and intend to live your life as you see fit. You have already given them more power that you have retained for yourself- by asking your boyfriend to stop coming over.


And please get out as soon as you can- their behavior will continue if not get worse.


Good Luck-- Jenna

Your friends are too involved in the little drama of this whole situation. You gotta live YOUR life. This guy (from the little that I know) seems pretty decent. Give him a chance... Paulie
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