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How I can I get my friend to regain interest in me?

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First off, I know you can't force anyone to feel a certain way. That being said, I've had this friend of almost ten years and I've liked her for awhile now. We've gotten much closer this year and I eventually told her how I felt - she said she felt the same. I went away for awhile and when I came back nothing happened (stupidly made no move to let her know I still wanted more). At the same time, we just became closer friends. About a month and a half after that, I told her I still had feelings and wanted more, but she said she was happy where we were so I left it alone. Then until last month (two month span) we remained close. I again told her I still wanted more (definitely a shot in the dark). She said she guessed she didn't feel the same way anymore (last time she didn't really say, but probably still the same). This time instead of brushing it off I said I wanted my space, but we'd still be friends. I stopped giving her attention and after a while she came back asking to spend time with me. She's out of town now but she wants to spend time when she gets back (see a movie, go to a bball game). She also invited me to go with her to one of her friend's Xmas party.


After last time, I just assume to move on. We'll always be friends (known her for ten years), but I stopped spending time with her for about a month and started talking to other girls. I still have strong feelings, but obviously moved on a bit. I still want to be with her more than anything. Is there anything I can do? I would never cut her out completely. Should I just limit my time with her and hope she comes back (and at the same time see other people). Any advice helpful, especially from a female perspective!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I guess... If you really , really like her you could just be her friend, be close to her and after some time passes you can try again.

She already said she liked you once..

The thing is like you left, things cooled down.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey dude.How is it going?


Listen,i have the same problem,only in my case I've know the girl for about 7-8 months now.And it's exactly the same situation here man.Over the past 8 months or so she claimed that she loves more than anything in the world.When we are in school we spent most of the time together,we go out sometimes,we make out,hell she even said that we are gonna have sex someday.So,my feelings for her are exactly the same as yours.I can't imagine being without her,although i have tried with many girls,but....as you already know,you get that feeling that this is not it.....you know?? I feel like if i don't end up with her i might...i don't know...kill myself :p. But.don't get me wrong I have asked her many times like you did,if she wanted to take our relationship to the next level,you know,to be my girlfriend,and her answer to that every time i ask her was that she doesn't want to ruin what we have here...and i would step back you know,be quiet for awhile.And after that i would ask her again and get the same response.By the way,i see that your post is 3 months old,so i am asking you if you ever read this,how did it end?Did you guys end up together or you moved on,and i am asking you to help me out here bro...cause i am desperate.Trying to forget her,only to think about doing that,it's like receiving a bullet in your chest...and i just can't imagine my life without her....so please bro....give some help here,or advice...whatever.And if you are still in the same situation with that girl...i hope everything ends up well for you.Peace :)

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my situation is similar too but i have known this girl for 6 months. the first 2-3 were great, we talked, emailed, texted, but only hung out once or twice. but the last 3 months have been completely opposite. i dont think there was a significant moment or event to change things in a downward direction, i think this girl just is confused on what she wants in life. she is 25 so there is a lot of immaturity there.


Plus they like the attention and the pursuit even if they act like they don't. It makes is tough for guys because we are not into the Game of Interpretation. Forward, honest, directness....


Best thing, but hardest thing, is to move on, if she wants you in her life, she'll let you know in her way.

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