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Need To Know. Does She Like Me ?

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Hi so i like this girl and i have no clue if she likes me back. Help please.


Reasons why she might:


. she laughs at nearly everything i say

. she smiles at me a lot

. her sister told my friend she talks about me a lot

. my friends notice a spark

. we play footsie (rub and tickle each others foots)

. she says i always put her in a good mood

. she's always tickling and poking me.

. we useally leave 2-3 hearts on our various facebook posts and about 4 kisses

. we text a lot.

. she's made her own little name up for me: Jacob lol no one else does that for me aha.

. in P.E my Volleyball team was playing hers and when she noticed i was on the team she came running over to me screaming Jacob.



Reasons why she might not:


. she has a lot of other male friends

. she hugs them more than me (although she has told me there just her friends)



So yeah please help me say if you think she likes me and tell me what i should do. Thank yousmile.gif


BTW were both 14 if that helps. Cheers!


Posted this on another board but i just want some more answers.

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The longer you wait, the more she will think of you just as a friend.


And once she made up her mind, there is no going back.

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The longer you wait, the more she will think of you just as a friend.


And once she made up her mind, there is no going back.



The iron's hot, OP.

Strike! Strike! Strike! :bunny:

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No idea about this guy, but sometimes it takes me six months to get the courage to ask a girl out. :(


I am such a wuss.



Im a wuss but im beginning to feel more confident.

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The longer you wait, the more she will think of you just as a friend.


And once she made up her mind, there is no going back.



I know. thats what i keep thinking..

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So what are you waiting for?



Well i want to do it in person and im from England and whilst we've been having this conversation it's been a weekend so i've not seen her in person but i will today (its monday morning now lol. Im hopefully possiably gonna ask her this week!

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Well i want to do it in person and im from England and whilst we've been having this conversation it's been a weekend so i've not seen her in person but i will today (its monday morning now lol. Im hopefully possiably gonna ask her this week!


Can't wait!

You promised to update us so don't forget!

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Can't wait!

You promised to update us so don't forget!



I've not forgot. I might ask her Thursday. It's Wednesday where i am now. I'll keep you all updated don't worry :)

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UPDATE: I've not asked her out or anything but theres been some developments. We were putting laptops back at skl and she came behind me and we starting pushing into each (in a playful way). I sent her a text message that said "Goodnight beautiful xxxx" she replied by saying "Awr thank you Jacob;) goodnight xxxx". She still calls me Jacob when my names Jake lol.

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UPDATE: I've not asked her out or anything but theres been some developments. We were putting laptops back at skl and she came behind me and we starting pushing into each (in a playful way). I sent her a text message that said "Goodnight beautiful xxxx" she replied by saying "Awr thank you Jacob;) goodnight xxxx". She still calls me Jacob when my names Jake lol.


She probably loves watching Twilight. You got the Jacob thing goin' for ya.

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She probably loves watching Twilight. You got the Jacob thing goin' for ya.



Aha lol good one. She actually dislikes Twlight lol. Which is a good thing. She hates Justin Bieber too!

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UPDATE: I've not asked her out or anything but theres been some developments. We were putting laptops back at skl and she came behind me and we starting pushing into each (in a playful way). I sent her a text message that said "Goodnight beautiful xxxx" she replied by saying "Awr thank you Jacob;) goodnight xxxx". She still calls me Jacob when my names Jake lol.


You know, J, the last guy I started pushing up against, I married.

This is looking fabulously good!

Very, very encouraging!

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You know, J, the last guy I started pushing up against, I married.

This is looking fabulously good!

Very, very encouraging!



Aw congrats.

Yay lol i hope it is a good sign.

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Jake, ask her out already. (Since you haven't posted another update, I assume you still haven't.)


Take it from a woman: those are all major signs that she really likes you -- footsies, hearts? Really, dude, what are you waiting for, a neon sign that spells it out? The neon sign ain't gonna happen, BTW. If you don't muster up the courage to ask her out soon, she'll assume you're not interested in being anything more than friends, and she'll move on.


In person or not, it doesn't matter -- just ask her out NOW!


There is the remote, and I mean remote, possibility that she's a mega-flirt playing games for attention, but you won't know unless you make a move. And the sooner you find out, the better, because at the very least you'll drive yourself nuts building up fantasies in your head about what could be.


Better to have a life of "oh wells" than "what ifs".

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Jake, ask her out already. (Since you haven't posted another update, I assume you still haven't.)


Take it from a woman: those are all major signs that she really likes you -- footsies, hearts? Really, dude, what are you waiting for, a neon sign that spells it out? The neon sign ain't gonna happen, BTW. If you don't muster up the courage to ask her out soon, she'll assume you're not interested in being anything more than friends, and she'll move on.


In person or not, it doesn't matter -- just ask her out NOW!


There is the remote, and I mean remote, possibility that she's a mega-flirt playing games for attention, but you won't know unless you make a move. And the sooner you find out, the better, because at the very least you'll drive yourself nuts building up fantasies in your head about what could be.


Better to have a life of "oh wells" than "what ifs".


Hi, i really agree with you comment. I was going to tell her last Thursday but i decided not too. Some days i feel like i could tell her and others i feel like i can't. We have to days of school left until we break up for Christmas. Now im hellbent on telling her somehow or someway in one of those two days. Thank you for your help.

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