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NYE and recently single - how has your plans changed?


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So im a bit of an introvert and dont have a massive social circle of friends.


I spent the last two NYE's with my partner where we just went out to town, enjoyed the night in each others company.


I was recently the dumpee and i am still extremely cut. The tought of being alone on NYE makes it even harder when i know he will be out partying. Im invited to a friends party with all his other friends...but in all honesty...i dont know many of them and im not really in the mood to go partying.


I also dont want to spend NYE alone...


I was thinking of just driving to a beach somewhere or sitting in a park enjoying the night and having time to myself (as sad as that sounds)


Im just not in a festive mood!!!!


Anyone in this situation and have any good suggestions on NYE?

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Foolish- I am feeling quite the same way. But I find it a bit depressing spending NYE alone and not doing much. Why not go to the friends party? It would be a good chance to meet other people. And if you're not having fun, you can always leave early?

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I think as Sugerkane has suggested maybe you might want and try to go to the party even if its just for an hour forcing yourself to be social sometimes is important when your an introvert will help you develop your social skills and you never know you might enjoy yourself either way you can leave when you want.


I've never had good memories of new year even with girlfriends so it's not much of a big deal for me spending it alone if i do, tho i plan on making next year all about me and not some girl that destroyed me over a year ago which i morned the last year.


If you are planning on spending it alone then going to the beach with some music might not be a bad idea, it's just a day like any other, but if your going to attach importance to it maybe make yourself some promises when the clock hits to get your life moving and make the next year about YOU :)

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Not a fan of New Year - used to do the whole partying scene, paying more for drinks and entry to clubs that are normally free, then fighting for taxis with a few thousand other drunk idiots. These days, I generally catch up with people before or after the 31st, or just get some close friends in and plenty of drinks/food. There just seems to be so much pressure on "doing something" for New Year. Why? It's just another day.


As you can tell, I have no plans either and I'm sure plenty others don't. So don't worry about it but if you hear of something going on, just join in.


But I would say, being recently single over special times, such as Xmas and New Year, can hurt more than normally, so you do need to keep busy and active.

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I have been alone on NYE for the past 4 or 5 years can't remember, and I am usually asleep before midnite. It is just another day. While it is lonely, I just don't care anymore or make it a big deal. For many years I went out but now that I am single, I don't go anywhere. Oh well, this is the season that I am alone and single, so instead of running away from it, I am trying to EMBRACE it.


It beats the alternative.....being dead in the grave!!!!:cool:

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So im a bit of an introvert and dont have a massive social circle of friends.


I spent the last two NYE's with my partner where we just went out to town, enjoyed the night in each others company.


I was recently the dumpee and i am still extremely cut. The tought of being alone on NYE makes it even harder when i know he will be out partying. Im invited to a friends party with all his other friends...but in all honesty...i dont know many of them and im not really in the mood to go partying.


I also dont want to spend NYE alone...


I was thinking of just driving to a beach somewhere or sitting in a park enjoying the night and having time to myself (as sad as that sounds)


Im just not in a festive mood!!!!


Anyone in this situation and have any good suggestions on NYE?


I dread NYE. This was out official anniversery date. This is when we got back together steadily and stayed together. For six months prior, I walked a way a couple of time before getting in too deep because I saw the red flags. But she just showed up NYE and she became the best woman I have ever been with. Her and I and her kids became a family. Now she is with the guy she moved out for, her friggin boss. My cousin is having a big BYE party. This is my family who she, and her kids, have always done things together with. Including July 4th parties and other family functions. I know I have to just deal with it, by I fear how my emotions will run when that date approaces.



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i spent every nye alone.

then last year i finally went to this club and had huge expectations.

and it was aweful.


in the end nye is just a regular day like any other.

i learned that it doesn't have to be christmas , nyw or your birthday to be a great day.

it just all depends on how you spend one.

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in the end nye is just a regular day like any other.

i learned that it doesn't have to be christmas , nyw or your birthday to be a great day.

it just all depends on how you spend one.


That's a good way to think of it. I am always so lonely and disappointed around christmas and new year so this year I will have no expectations and then I cant be disappointed. Last year I was in a toxic relationship and still had a bad time so at least this year I'm without all that:)

I won't plan to do anything and will see what happens

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hah! nope! i'm not really into NYE. i usually stay at home, read a book or watch TV and fall asleep before midnight :p

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Instead of being at home with her I am going to Times Square. Everyone says you just need to go once, so I am. Instead of moping I am going to be living :)

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