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My Younger Cousin Got Engaged Last Night...

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and I was actually taken aback at how upset it got me! My cousin is a great guy with a great girlfriend (now fiancee) and I really am really really happy for him. But as he was telling me the story on the phone about how he did it, I actually had to hold back tears.


I can't even meet a guy I want to date longer than 2 months! How do some people get so damn lucky and others get stuck with crumbs?!

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One of my cousins got married this past summer. She was one of those popular girls who had a different boyfriend every week; her relationships were typically stormy and she never seemed too invested in any of them. I thought she'd never get married because she seemed to enjoy her freedom, her single life, and her numerous options in men.


Anyway, she met some guy and they had a casual relationship for about a year. It really didn't seem serious because she didn't see him much, and anyway she's never been a serious kind of girl. But last year she took us all by surprise by moving in with him, and six months later they were engaged, and were married in the summer.


It hit me pretty hard because she's a couple years younger than me. I've always been the one who was interested in a committed relationship, and she just wanted to have fun. Yet somehow she's married and blissfully happy, while I'm not even engaged. I'm happy for her and don't begrudge her anything... but sometimes life just seems so unfair :(

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I have had horrible dating luck for the past 2 years. I am now 30.


But, I must say that I am happy that I did not marry any of my previous boyfriends. I'm glad I am still single and without children because I haven't met the one for me yet. And, I won't lose hope! I'm thinking of ways to be more active and meet more people so that I can make new friends and increase the likelihood of meeting a relationship-worthy man.

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I'm 30 years old, and a few months ago, I attended the wedding of my 21 year old cousin. Made me feel like sh*t. Of course there was no +1 for me.


Her older brother announced his engagement a few months before and that made me feel horrible. He's about five years younger than me.


The only cousin I have that's older than me and is not married, has been in and out of jail for the past decade.

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Uhhhh. It must be the age. I'm approaching 30 and I think that's why I'm freaking out. I mean, I'm generally happy with my life and where I am. I'm definitely happy I didn't settle and marry any of the douchebags, I've dated in the past. But I just keep comparing my life to what my 16 year old self imagined it would be like when I turned 30. Two completely different lives....

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It's not a competition. Also the reason that these women who want to have fun get married is because they are enjoyable to be around and actually get along with men instead of looking at us as a source of sperm. Men do want to marry but to women they enjoy being around.

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You aren't alone in your feelings or the experience.

I went to a wedding a few months ago.

Half the women there were bawling their eyes out.

They said it was because the ceremony was so beautiful.

I know differently.

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I've been there! I know how you feel. I just turned 29, and I had a meltdown to my long term bf over this exact issue. Here I am 2 months later engaged and planning my wedding.


I know how much it sucks and how much it hurts that I feel awful telling my exciting news to my single/friends who have been in 8+ years relationships that don't seem to be going anywhere. I even had to try to hide my excitement from my mom who is currently separated from my stepdad. I know.


Love is all luck. I've waited, I've dated, I've been heartbroken. I keep that in mind.


My best friend who is single said to me when I told her I felt horrible, her time will come.

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I remember finding out that my nephew who is about 15 years younger than me was in a relationship, made me feel like **** too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have just read this thread which can completely identify with! I'm 33 and in my last 'relationship' had had breadcrumbs. The one before you could say was... a painful process.:rolleyes: As for my younger sister-in-law who is 27, she has happily showed off a couple of boyfriends over the years at the odd family gathering with whom she has been able to hold onto for more than a year, her most recent being I have just heard she is planning to set up home with! It makes me wonder if she has something I don't, e.g because she is prettier/slimmer perhaps? No doubt a better circle of friends though!:sick: I admit am determined to find love (hopefully) in 2012 and show them off next Christmas!;) Actually, it would be so nice to spend a New Year's Eve with the person, as in just the two of us. They're nearly always a disappointment, let alone the dreaded v day!:( Rant/dreaming over!:o

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Uhhhh. It must be the age. I'm approaching 30 and I think that's why I'm freaking out. I mean, I'm generally happy with my life and where I am. I'm definitely happy I didn't settle and marry any of the douchebags, I've dated in the past. But I just keep comparing my life to what my 16 year old self imagined it would be like when I turned 30. Two completely different lives....

I agree with you totally! Can't believe I didn't put more effort into meeting someone when I was younger!:( At least I don't have baggage shall we say e.g kids when going into my next relationship I suppose... if it comes.:o Speaking of which, no-one's going to knock on our door are they? We have to be pro-active I guess.:confused:

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