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I would like to hear your comments....

smokey bear

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Id like to hear anyone's comments on this....




I read someone's post the other day describing acceptence and i feel at that stage, but strangely it hurts, ive not hurt in a while, i actually had a panic tonight that it was over for good, that we will never be together again, i accept that, but it hurt and made me panic.



Is this normal, or am i not at acceptance, i think i understand that it is acceptance, im panicing because i accept its over, im hurting because i accept its over, but is this what is really happening with me.


Does this happen with acceptance?

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Just because you're accepting what is, doesn't mean you can't feel other emotions simultaneously.


The "stages" are not set in stone.


The important thing is that you're aware that you are accepting. Something you haven't been able to acknowledge up until now. And that means you are very close to taking a big leap in healing.


Give it more time.

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yeah accepting hurts and it's all normal what you're feeling.

even after you're done accepting it will still hurt everyday because you are now on your own.

then again it's neccessary for one to heal , so don't freak out , it's all natural.

but like codez said: it's not written in stone , you can feel anything at any given time randomly.

it just depends on how you deal with it.

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