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update: Success


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Made a mistake and posted this in break up... but much deserved on this side. I am coping, and in the mist I am making myself happy again



So if those of your remember my story. I posted on here the first week of my break up seeking guidance and answers. I expressed that I was interested in a cruiseline, but was afraid to interview for the position, in sakes of hoping the ex would contact me again, sweep me off my feet, and we would spend the rest of our lives together.


Well, its been 1 month and 2 weeks. And still haven't heard anything from the ex. But have accepted the job offer for the cruiseline. Yayyyyyyyyyy


I'm hoping to take this time to emotionally get myself together, save some money and come back in 6 months a new woman..


I've been wanting to do this line of work for a while now. Since I have no kids, and nothing to hold me back. Maybe , although the break up is/was hard, this is telling me that its my time to do for myself and do what makes me happy.

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That's lovely to hear. Cruise ships are busy places, and you'll meet tons of people. This is a great step, and I think you will be just fine!

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That's amazing! What will you be doing on the ship?


Imagine if the ship didn't have internet or mobile reception in your room- enforced no contact!! Haha. I'm sure they all do, though.


You really will meet so many new, interesting people. Make sure you post another update in the future!

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So you turned a negative (a breakup) into a positive by pursuing a lifelong goal, which you now have achieved?


I think that's something we all should as aspiring towards!


Congratulations! Thank you for sharing, you give the rest of us hope!

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Thank you everyone for your encouraging words.


Its a process as far as backround check, physical, etc. So they stated it takes a month.


I'm hoping that I can use this to motivate me to keep going, and not focus on the ex.


Part of me wants to let him know I'm leaving, but I haven't heard from him in over a month or I doubt he even cares.


I just want this to be a stress free month . But I guess since I haven't heard from him this long, I won't hear anything from him in the next month.


Anyways I'm excited. Its something I've been wanting to do for a while, since I've pretty such had jobs that's allowed me to travel. Plus I wanted to do it before I turn 30. Which is just a few months away.

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For what it's worth:I don't think you should tell him anything.


These days it's hard to keep anything a secret, esp with stuff like FB. The word will probably reach his ears anyway, and if you haven't told him he'll be thinking "wha? She's doing that and didn't think to mention it to me? Damn...she's moving on."


I don't think it's a bad thing to want your ex to see how strong you are and how well you're doing! It's not like you're doing this big thing for him anyway- you're doing it for you before you hit 30. I can relate to that!


Best of luck. :)

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