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Well it is approaching three months of NC and I can honestly say I am loving life! I still love and miss my ex a lot, but it isn't bringing me down and I have come to terms that he is with someone else now. It does not hurt me nearly as much as it did, and now when I think about him, I don't get angry or sad anymore. I actually smile because of all the great times we had. I have decided that this is a bridge I refuse to burn and do have a gut feeling we will cross paths again one day. I am not getting my hopes up or anything, but I can't help but have this gut feeling for some reason. In the mean time, I love my life and I appreciate all the great things and people that have happened to me in the past few months. His birthday is this saturday and I have decided to mail him a birthday card. I am not doing this for any reaction of any sort, I am doing it for him. If it makes him smile on his birthday, then that will be more than enough of a reward for me.

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thats good news!

i think you never really have to burn down the bridge if you broke up on good terms.

just make sure ur not standing on it waiting for him to return.

aslong as you move on and explore all that life has to offer you then ur doing what u need to.

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