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Breadcrumbs from Friends Also Suck


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So lately during my NC period of over a month...my friend keeps on bumping into my ex downtown every weekend and I'm getting sick of the updates!


So the weekend before last, he called my ex out on wtf is going on and my ex says he can't deal with all the pressure coming from everyone for us to get back together.


Now fast foward to this past weekend, and my friend tells me that my ex should be calling me if he hasn't already. I'm thinking...whyyyyy? And he tells me that he bumped into him again and the conversation was pretty much: "I really miss her, I'm ready to call her and get back together, I want our relationship back, I was the happiest I'd ever been dating her". Friend says: Don't hesitate to reach out then if you're having these feelings! Call her tomorrow!


Now it's Tuesday and not a peep from him lol...now my ex is lieing to me, my friends...and we're all falling for it, or he's made it incredibly awkward for himself to reach out casually after avoiding me for this long...or I hate my friend for fueling my hope fire once again damnit.

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So lately during my NC period of over a month...my friend keeps on bumping into my ex downtown every weekend and I'm getting sick of the updates!


So the weekend before last, he called my ex out on wtf is going on and my ex says he can't deal with all the pressure coming from everyone for us to get back together.


Now fast foward to this past weekend, and my friend tells me that my ex should be calling me if he hasn't already. I'm thinking...whyyyyy? And he tells me that he bumped into him again and the conversation was pretty much: "I really miss her, I'm ready to call her and get back together, I want our relationship back, I was the happiest I'd ever been dating her". Friend says: Don't hesitate to reach out then if you're having these feelings! Call her tomorrow!


Now it's Tuesday and not a peep from him lol...now my ex is lieing to me, my friends...and we're all falling for it, or he's made it incredibly awkward for himself to reach out casually after avoiding me for this long...or I hate my friend for fueling my hope fire once again damnit.




I got this around the 2.5 month mark, it took him 4 days to finally get in touch so be patient.... guess what though.... it wasnt full hearted, how long have you been split up?

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Hey Smokey Bear! We split up in July..if you don't know my story, I broke up with him, came back the next day to say it wasn't the right choice and as the dumper, I've elected to do everything in my power to get him back for 4 months. I just got fed up this past month and started full on NC.


A month ago I had him over for dinner at my place where he cried and said he does want to get back together but not out of guilt blah blah, thanks fo dinner, I'll talk to you soon, blah blah...apologizing for ignoring my texts, there was too much hurt in them so he'd panic and avoid them.


My intentions had been laid out since day 1 of the break up and this dinner was just another broken record saga haha.


But if what he said was true this past weekend...this is the first I've heard of him telling a male friend of mine that he's even thinking about reaching out.


But again, the pitter patter in my heart is starting to shift to knots. FML.

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So this is starting to suck again with my emotional state getting iffy. Without actually talking to him I feel like I've taken 12 steps back from where I was last week. Some anxious piece of puddy that is so eagerly hoping for some kind of call/text from him.


It's ok when he says he can't deal with pressure or even <throws hands up in the air> I don't want to talk about her! But saying everything I would have wanted him to be feeling and now it's Wednsday...****. I'm screwed.


I won't break NC because I have nothing to really say...but why won't he already! I'm sure if I hear nothing by this weekend then I'm back to rebuilding and getting in the anger zone.

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Hey Million...Unfortunately I know my friend isn't making this up based on everything that's been reported post break up..and I don't think my ex is either because there would be no need to tell a fantasy story when he's typically been solid on his course to avoid me.


I'm just going to try and smother all this anxiety that's building up now over something I'm dieing to hear come from him.

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