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Things to Cherish and Appreciate...


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So I've come across a few threads similar to this... but I at least haven't come upon one that shares things to appreciate in life... *right now*. I was thinking about some of the things that I have going for me, despite the aching pit in my chest, and it helped calm the ache down some. Things that have definitely been overshadowed by my ex leaving, but that feel better to notice and think about --- maybe others can list some of theirs and it can help push away the somber haze of pain too.


  • God seems to be cruel to me but he's always pulled me through! :lmao:
  • How far I've come!
  • I have two beautiful boys!
  • My children's health and my physical health!
  • We have a safe, nice, warm place to live!
  • We have healthy, quality food and water!
  • I have a supportive family
  • Some of my dreams in life WILL COME TRUE
  • Time is merciful
  • There are countless opportunities to explore in life
  • The gifts that I embody
  • The beautiful outdoors
  • That I'm going to make and eat a wonderful breakfast tomorrow and then relax with my little one, sipping coffee and reading to him --- maybe bundled up in a cozy blanket.
  • Speaking of cozy... I sleep in sheets of ecstasy. They're so soft they're erotic :lmao: - and so very relaxing... they totally help me sleep alone :laugh:
  • That I passed all of my finals (so far, there's one assignment left) with A's!
  • Last night my boys and I made hot cocoa and walked around looking at Christmas lights --- we raced and they had a lot fun --- some people put an amazing amount of effort into their decorations... and I'm thankful to be able to roam around with my chitlin and watch them light up with it all hah.
  • CHOCOLATE. Thank you chocolate.
  • MUSIC. I would have been done for by now without good music.


I could actually probably go on and on :lmao:...

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Ive been meaning to make this list so here it goes!


I am grateful for having purpose in life

I am grateful for a loveing and sportive family

I am grateful for haveing my crohns under control

I am grateful for being able to excel in anything i put my mind to

I am grateful for what i have learned and for the person i have become because of it.

I am grateful for good looks :o

I am grateful for how strong i have become

I am grateful for all the opportunities and experiences in life I have had.

I am grateful for never wanting for the basic needs to live.

I am grateful for my ability to appreciate things.


Also I am grateful that I am no longer with my ex. ;)

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