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How do you give up, let go, walk away and move on? from someone who has been in your life and that you love and care about alot? especially when the person still contacts you?

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How do you give up, let go, walk away and move on? from someone who has been in your life and that you love and care about alot? especially when the person still contacts you?


Honestly? Because It hurts like a bitch to stick around haha. NC is much easier to move on and get through your feelings.

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It is not easy, but necessary.


Staying in contact just breaks the circle of expecting 'something' from him (her).


By going no contact, you kill the hope, the dreams and the rest with it.

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I wish i knew. Im going through a similiar thing at the moment and have previously tried three times to let go. Like 'MarMar' says, you have to decide whether you want to be there and watch when someone else comes in to the picture.


I dont know your situation, but from my own experience, i cant bare to watch that happen. I would do anything to have her stay in my life, but i cant torture myself like that.

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It is not easy, but necessary.


Staying in contact just breaks the circle of expecting 'something' from him (her).


By going no contact, you kill the hope, the dreams and the rest with it.


Couldn't have said it better myself.

Nc when not having a motive of making your ex miss you , is in a way killing all hope.

Ruining every chance of saying the right things to her or somehow get your ex back.

No expectations , no comfort even as friends , nothing at all.

And the reason we do it?

Because when you stay friends or lc yet wanting to be with your ex , then your whole world is about getting your ex back.

And when you know you can't , you switch to nc to make the world become about you.

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How do you give up, let go, walk away and move on? from someone who has been in your life and that you love and care about alot? especially when the person still contacts you?



You don't, you dont throw it in the trash or wish it away.


You accept you love this person regarless of what happened and still happens and you move on with your life still loving this person just the way they are, Bridget Jones had it all sussed out.


You accept you love them and may always do and you work on ways to live with it until it fades.


Nc stops the hurting, through time it fades the love.


Go nc, dont look at it forever, but say to yourself im going to go nc until it doesnt hurt me to talk to them and i can control my actions. Tell the person contact hurts you and you want some space until it doesnt hurt anymore.


If you do this either way you'll stop hurting, they will come back or you will have healed enough to have them back in your life

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Feelin Frisky

I don't think it's possible. The only thing that can really change that is someone else changing the dynamic. Otherwise it's just a continuation.

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You don't, you dont throw it in the trash or wish it away.


You accept you love this person regarless of what happened and still happens and you move on with your life still loving this person just the way they are, Bridget Jones had it all sussed out.


You accept you love them and may always do and you work on ways to live with it until it fades.


Nc stops the hurting, through time it fades the love.


Go nc, dont look at it forever, but say to yourself im going to go nc until it doesnt hurt me to talk to them and i can control my actions. Tell the person contact hurts you and you want some space until it doesnt hurt anymore.


If you do this either way you'll stop hurting, they will come back or you will have healed enough to have them back in your life


agreed. i went NC because i was tired of chasing after someone who didn't want to be caught. once i gave up trying i felt much better.


you really are doing yourself a favor when you walk away.


if dumper continues to contact you; either ask them to stop as Smokey suggested or don't respond.


if they continue to contact you try blocking their number or changing yours. sounds drastic i know but it's worth the effort.

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