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I just want to feel better..


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Just another vent... I cant seem to avoid breaking down every couple hours thinking about him. Im just so hurt that he was the one who treated me like crap andhe gets to just drop me without saying a word. Im so tired of this rollercoaster of emotions. I keep busy as much as possible but at the end of the day i am upset.. He gets to be happy with someone else while im here trying to put the pieces back together. I really am not trying to drown in self pity, just in a depressed mood today...

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Just another vent... I cant seem to avoid breaking down every couple hours thinking about him. Im just so hurt that he was the one who treated me like crap andhe gets to just drop me without saying a word. Im so tired of this rollercoaster of emotions. I keep busy as much as possible but at the end of the day i am upset.. He gets to be happy with someone else while im here trying to put the pieces back together. I really am not trying to drown in self pity, just in a depressed mood today...


Solong123, it takes time. I've been in your situatuion, but trust me it takes time. I know it sucks, and you want to stop hurting. Venting and talking to someone about it will make you feel better. Are you seeing a counselor?

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soxfan, thanks for your response. I've actually been seeing a counselor. It sucks because when I go there and talk to her I leave feeling really good. Then a couple days pass and it'll just hit me. I am much better than I was so that's a plus, I just want to be completely okay..

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His emotions will crash at some point. If he rebounded he is bound to feel miserable soon enough. Just work on yourself and make your own dreams come true. I didn't realize how many dreams of my own I actually had until my relationship ended. For awhile it just felt like I lost 5 years, but instead I made a bucket list and started doing the things I wanted to do. I jumped out of a plane recently and will be in Times Square for New Years Eve. I suggest making a list of the things you want to do for yourself and when you feel down, make plans to knock one of those things off your list. It really helped me.

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Thank you philosoraptor. I am definitely trying to do that. I'm transferring to a school out of state, and possibly studying abroad like I've always wanted to but felt I couldn't when I was with him. And that's awesome that you're doing that, really is nice to see someone turning a negative into a positive.

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You have to look at this as one chapter of your life closing. Do you read the first chapter of a book then stop at a cliffhanger? Of course not, you keep reading it... but not just reading it, but looking forward and being excited about what might happen next. Not only is this your chapter, but you get to help write it.


Just like pen on paper, our lives come with no eraser. Make this next chapter something worth reading :)

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soxfan, thanks for your response. I've actually been seeing a counselor. It sucks because when I go there and talk to her I leave feeling really good. Then a couple days pass and it'll just hit me. I am much better than I was so that's a plus, I just want to be completely okay..


I know what you mean. I would feel the same way too. I wish I could have seen my counselor more often. I was with my ex-wife for 13 years.

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You have to look at this as one chapter of your life closing.


Not wanting this to start a conflict; but good god I hate that phrase!


Whenever someone has used that one on me I always come back with the retort that I wasn't finished writing that part of the story.

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