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How to know your healing....

smokey bear

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I went strict nc at the start,


After 3 weeks- 2months i felt extremely better,


Then one day out the blue he would txt and id be back to square 1 for weeks, months again.


I used to measure my healing on nc but now i dont i see the true measure of healing from how quickly i bounce back from setbacks, nc does help but only if nc is held by the other party, if its broke your healing is back to square 1. Time is the healer, nc didnt really help me until about the 4 month mark.


Only now is nc a respite from the pain, before it caused more pain and contact gave me respite. Its funny how it works.


NC is my friend now, I bounce back in hours now rather thn weeks and months, im healing, im ready for a recon if it ever came..... if........ nc and time does that too, it kills the hope.


It gets easier LS'ers it just takes time.

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