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The pain is getting too much


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Hello, i really news to vent some. Two months ago i ended the most meaningful relationship og my 19 year old life. It happened suddenly and we were both very sad and emotional when it did. Lately she has been seeing someone else, and we are no longer in contact, which i am okay with. However, i am still in alot og pain and confusion. The relationship lasted 8 months but it was so passionate and promising, we already had plans for the summer and i was so sure er would be together for a long time, because we were so in love. Now that it has been 2 months, and she is seeing another guy i feel as if the time we had together was so short and insignificant, and that is killing me. I feel fine most of the time now, but at night i sometimes suddenly picture her, either being intimate with the new guy or a memory of when we were together. These sudden thoughts absolutely destroys me, and i burst in tears all night long. I am so tired of feeling this way, but the only way not to is by pushing it all away, yet it always comes back to me again. I just dont know what to do anymore.

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Just wanted to tell you that these feelings will get easier to deal with in time. I KNOW you're hurting now, but you will get better.


Damn, I remember 19. Was dating this woman that was 20. Turned out she cheated on me with the alcoholic douchebag who lived next door. I was in such a horrible way I can't even explain... but if she hadn't dumped me, I would have never met some of the awesome girls I got to date and have relationships with later on that were TEN TIMES better than she was.


After some hindsight examination, she had a lot of issues that I was simply blind to because I was "in love". Whoo-boy!


I'm not here to steal your thunder with a post about my own personal past. There's a point to what I'm saying. You're 19!! The whole WORLD is your oyster. Once you get out of this little funk you're in, you'll be meeting and dating chicks that will dwarf whatever feelings you had for your ex. I can sit here at my keyboard, having never met you in my life and straight up GUARANTEE that this will happen.


So try your hardest to imagine this being your ultimate fate.. because I'm so damn sure of it, I'd put good money on it. I'm not joking. You've got a helluva lot of awesome experiences ahead of you. Women so cool and so appealing to you that you'd be left wondering what the hell you ever saw in this ex of yours!

I'm not saying this will all happen tomorrow, or even next week or next month.. but it WILL happen!


Maybe you'll remember me and my post, and maybe you won't. But if in the future you DO remember my post.. you'll be thinking, DAMN! THAT GUY WAS RIGHT!!!


.. and you will live happily ever after. The End.

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Hey, Chs :)


You know, as hard as it is to believe in this moment... Motive is quite right. I'm not much older than you are at all, trust me, and I can already tell you that if you hold tight and deal with this pain you're feeling, it will be worth it. I never really believed it when people told me, but if you can make it through this kind of heartbreak? Chs, you will be so much better off and so much wiser that the new relationships you'll have in the future (and no doubt, you will have those opportunities with other people) will mean so much more to you just by the lessons that you've learned in the past. So try to take this as just that, a lesson. And nobody ever said lessons would be easy to learn, right? :) Tears are natural too, so don't fight them, but also realize there will soon be a day when those tears will dry up for good...


It's hard as hell now, but sometimes it helps to be thankful that you had a chance to share something special with someone. And the best part? It's that you'll get to experience that all over again, only it'll be ten times better than it was with this girl you're grieving over now. Remember that everything always feels stronger in the moment, and that also goes for the happiness you'll feel in the future. And you will feel happy again someday, that is a guarantee. Stay strong, honey, and take care.

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Thanks for the words, they actually helped some. It's been 2 weeks since our last conversation, and i was doing pretty good! I don't feel crazy about her anymore, i don't feel a need to contact her and im not crying anymore.


But today i feel like ****. It's my birthday, and i was secretly hoping for her to at least text me a happy birthday, but she didn't. Then i decided to watch this series called Californication once again, because im bored.

I watch the first half and this sex scene comes up, it's passionate and hot and i felt sick to the stomach because i couldn't stop imagining it being my ex and her new guy! I am so tired of feeling physically sick when i get these thoughts, i can deal with a little emotional hurting but when my stomach cramps up and tries to kill me i just want to give up on everything. I can't ****ing handle it anymore, i want her out of my head and i never want to feel attached to her again but it's just not happening!

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