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When I read other people's posts


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I can't help but think: gee I wish so bad that someone would actually care about me that much. That these dumpers are pretty ungrateful (if they screwed over their dumpee, cheated etc). I guess I feel this way coz Ive been the dumpee far more often than the dumper.

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I can't help but think: gee I wish so bad that someone would actually care about me that much. That these dumpers are pretty ungrateful (if they screwed over their dumpee, cheated etc). I guess I feel this way coz Ive been the dumpee far more often than the dumper.


Ok. Fair enough, I do see your point. Sometimes our past may affect the way we are now, so it's understandable.


Well, there are a huge variety of Dumpers. Some of them did what they did, for many reasons, justified or not.

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My way of seeing it is that the type of dumpers you speak of often don't know the damage they cause until they feel a bit of it themselves. It has nothing to do with "karma", or getting back what's due to them, but human nature more than anything. It's all easy and well when you're young and jobless to feel guiltless about spending other people's money, because you don't understand the value when you're not emotionally invested in it yourself. But it's not until later when you've actually started working for your money that you begin to realize its worth and start to prize it, so you can actually relate when you're one day robbed personally of that hard-earned dollar.


I don't think these dumpers are completely empty of care or guilt, or sympathy. There's just so little of it sometimes in comparison to the dumpee... that it becomes hard to "spot", if you know what I mean. SugarKane, I'm very sure that you will find someone who cares about you that much -- in fact, you probably already do have someone like that in your life. Your friends, family, and so on. Maybe not exactly the same thing, but you get my drift. It's something to be thankful for, because some people don't even have that in their lives. But you can't hold on to this anger and sadness forever, so don't give up hope just yet...

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So true I think I realise more now the importance of having platonic relationships in your life too. They've all outlasted any romantic relationship I've had so far. Theyve been there for me, even when romantic interests didn't care.

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