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she can't save him


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i think my boyfriend may have a drinking problem. he don't drink often but he seems to always be talking about. how can you tell if he does. we fight about it all the time, like if he wants to have a drink i don't want him too and then we get mad at each other. i don't want to keep living with this fighting i don't want to always worry and wonder if he will come home drunk or break his promises to me about how many he will have.

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You need to talk to him about it. Bottom line. It's a serious situation if he is in fact drinking too much. An occasional wine or beer with dinner is fine but if he is on the defensive when you talk about it, then it definitely needs to be discussed. Tell him you are doing it for him own good. If he truly loves you then he will be willing to talk about it.




Kimber :-)

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Fighting serves no useful or constructive purpose. If all he does is talk about drinking, he will never get intoxicated. Just put him on notice that actual drinking in excess is not acceptable to you. Let him know that while you are aware you have no control over what he does and you do not wish to have control over what he does, you do control yourself and reserve the right to walk out the door should his drinking get out of hand.


It is hard for me to understand why someone would just want to talk about drinking....what a waste of time. See if you can get him back in school to study psychology or philosophy so his conversations are more academically varied. A boyfriend who just talks about drinking could drive a person to drinking.


I really hope the two of you have more meaningful exchanges in your relationship than fighting about his talk about drinking. What a trip!!!

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lisa just to eloborate!

the reason he likes to always talk about and tease me is because he knows i dispise it. does that change anything?

Honey, You need to talk to him about it. Bottom line. It's a serious situation if he is in fact drinking too much. An occasional wine or beer with dinner is fine but if he is on the defensive when you talk about it, then it definitely needs to be discussed. Tell him you are doing it for him own good. If he truly loves you then he will be willing to talk about it. GL! Kimber :-)
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Yes, that changes a lot. Stop despising it and stop letting it bother you and he will stop getting his jollies pissing you off.


Isn't it just special and wonderful to have a boyfriend who gets his kicks from annoying and irritating you. I just think that is so romantic!!!

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