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Ughh just a rant


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I don't know why somedays it just hits me really hard that he's out there meeting other girls and just wanting to hook up with someone and then I just start crying out of nowhere. I hate that I still cry over him because I know he doesn't deserve my tears. It's true, I feel better. Everyday it gets a little easier. I've stopped dreaming about him every night, I've stopped thinking about him all the time and I've stop wanting, wishing, hoping, praying he will call. Yet it still hurts a lot sometimes it's unbearable. He sure as hell is not out there crying about me or missing me, so it's almost like I have to tell myself "why the hell are you still getting all sad about him? it's been 3 months.." and it just makes me feel worst, like I'm putting too much pressure on myself to just move on?


I just get mad whenever I feel down cause I don't want to feel down anymore..I just don't and yet I can't help it, I can't help but cry sometimes and I can't help feeling hurt!


I know they say it takes half the time of your relationship to get over someone, which I think is complete BS because it just makes me feel bad that I'm half way...I'm already there. My relationship lasted only 7 months and I can't say I'm over him. Not at all. So is there something wrong here?!

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I don't know why somedays it just hits me really hard that he's out there meeting other girls and just wanting to hook up with someone and then I just start crying out of nowhere. I hate that I still cry over him because I know he doesn't deserve my tears. It's true, I feel better. Everyday it gets a little easier. I've stopped dreaming about him every night, I've stopped thinking about him all the time and I've stop wanting, wishing, hoping, praying he will call. Yet it still hurts a lot sometimes it's unbearable. He sure as hell is not out there crying about me or missing me, so it's almost like I have to tell myself "why the hell are you still getting all sad about him? it's been 3 months.." and it just makes me feel worst, like I'm putting too much pressure on myself to just move on?


I just get mad whenever I feel down cause I don't want to feel down anymore..I just don't and yet I can't help it, I can't help but cry sometimes and I can't help feeling hurt!


I know they say it takes half the time of your relationship to get over someone, which I think is complete BS because it just makes me feel bad that I'm half way...I'm already there. My relationship lasted only 7 months and I can't say I'm over him. Not at all. So is there something wrong here?!


Well as all the girls who post on LS happen to be hot it will probably only take you till this weekend to get over him. I see hot sticky nights in your future. Enjoy doll!

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I know they say it takes half the time of your relationship to get over someone, which I think is complete BS because it just makes me feel bad that I'm half way...I'm already there. My relationship lasted only 7 months and I can't say I'm over him. Not at all. So is there something wrong here?!
I also think that's BS. It depends on so many factors other than length of time that the relationship lasted. When my very first serious relationship ended, I actually spent more time trying to get over him than we actually dated, which was 4 months. My second relationship that was 3.5 years took me 7 months to get over him. As you can see, there's no pattern and it differs for anyone. I would just ignore that saying :)


I think what matters is that you're making progress in the right direction. You're feeling better, not dreaming about him as often, not thinking of him that often... It will still hurt, no doubt about that, but it will become less over time and you will continue to feel better. But don't get yourself a deadline of when you're supposed to be over him, because that just creates unnecessary pressure as you mentioned. So to answer your question I don't think there's anything wrong here with your grieving process.

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Thank you EyeAlone...you are right and I shouldn't create unnecessary pressure on myself. The thing that mostly gets to me and that I get mad with myself whenever it happens now is crying over him still because he doesn't deserve it at all! So why be sad over a cockroach like him??

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I think you'll find its going to get better very soon, i remember these moments, where u want to give up, you dont want to feel down anymore, its frustrating you. Usually days after the intensness you move on heaps and bounds, i does get worse before it gets better, with every stage, soon, you will feel better, just give it a few more days

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Thank you EyeAlone...you are right and I shouldn't create unnecessary pressure on myself. The thing that mostly gets to me and that I get mad with myself whenever it happens now is crying over him still because he doesn't deserve it at all! So why be sad over a cockroach like him??



accept that this is not the case, crying is your body's physical outlet from your mind, your crying because your body is grieving, not because he is hurting you, he's not been in the picture for 3 months to hurt you, so just accept its a bodily function to deal with a process and nothing more and the more you cry and let it out the quicker you will heal.


Your doing great, give your self a break and stop rushing it, when you force it to go you are actually supressing and missing big parts of the healing that heal you. Give in to the emotions and feel them and they will pass quicker

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Ty Smokey..I know it's good to cry and let it all out and I think I'm at that point where it now frustrates me to still cry over him because I went like a week without crying and feeling better and then it just creeps up on you out of nowhere! But you are right, I am making progress now looking back to the first month or two..

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Ty Smokey..I know it's good to cry and let it all out and I think I'm at that point where it now frustrates me to still cry over him because I went like a week without crying and feeling better and then it just creeps up on you out of nowhere! But you are right, I am making progress now looking back to the first month or two..



Your well on your way to healing, that stage shouldnt last much longer than a month, a few weeks tops and you'll be happy all the time.

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