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Mark Zuckerberg, I will hunt you down and...


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...hurt you in ways you can only read about in medieval text books.


My problem? You've all seen the new FB timeline right? Well I've just updated mine, was scrolling down knowing that pictures of her will obviously dominate my 2011 section. That's fine, I thought. I can deal with that.


But when I clicked on 2011, it chose as my highlight picture of the year a picture from Sept of us to kissing which I took on my phone. :(




Gah, more of a rant than anything.


FB is the tool of the devil for breakups.

Edited by SelfCentered
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I hadn't heard about this, just googled it, and that is completely ridiculous! I get that they might want to make people's facebook pages prettier, but I don't want to see my whole "facebook life" in a run-down. I barely use facebook, anyway- it's not my life! It'll just be an odd collection of photos/ wall posts from my distant friends who I never see in real life so we just use facebook. And, apparently, a reminder of when my ex and I become "facebook official". Stupid Zuckerberg.

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Damn him for making a totally voluntary site where people complain about layout changes without fail, yet continue to use it (and complain). Damn him to hell.

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Damn him for making a totally voluntary site where people complain about layout changes without fail, yet continue to use it (and complain). Damn him to hell.


haha yeah. I should get rid of it, it's just that it's an easy way of making new friends/ "networking" (hate that word).


This is what I watched:



You've got to admit it's pretty creepy. I don't get how the dad would have had a facebook photo of his own birth? And where are the bad times in his life? The break ups? The redundancy? The stint in rehab? The divorce?


I'm happy facebook exists, but I want to use it to send dumb messages to guys I might like, acquaintances, and colleagues who give me more info on what freelance work is going. Not to create a photogenic pseudo-life for myself.

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What really sucks is the privacy controls on facebook now allows people to hide certain posts or information from certain people or groups. Its getting rediculous.

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What really sucks is the privacy controls on facebook now allows people to hide certain posts or information from certain people or groups. Its getting rediculous.


Yeah it sucks for stalkers, damn those people who want to make their account more private...:p


I quite like it, I've had it active for a few months now having jumped on board with the developer work around. It does make it easier to scroll through your past, not to mention easier for me to delete crap I'd missed when cleaning out old posts from some ex's I'd otherwise missed.


However I've now moved onto Google+ since it's easier to use and more blog friendly (not to mention integrates with my youtube stuff really well). I only use Facebook now when responding to posts via my twitter feed, and locked it to direct friends only. I find Facebook is really just another Myspace clone now for kids suffering from teenage angst who throw out inane half comments designed to garner sympathy from the masses.


I actually cringe when I read some of the stuff posted, yet I'm more engaged with people on G+ because these people I actually interact with now either in person, or via common interest.

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Yeah it sucks for stalkers, damn those people who want to make their account more private...:p


I quite like it, I've had it active for a few months now having jumped on board with the developer work around. It does make it easier to scroll through your past, not to mention easier for me to delete crap I'd missed when cleaning out old posts from some ex's I'd otherwise missed.


However I've now moved onto Google+ since it's easier to use and more blog friendly (not to mention integrates with my youtube stuff really well). I only use Facebook now when responding to posts via my twitter feed, and locked it to direct friends only. I find Facebook is really just another Myspace clone now for kids suffering from teenage angst who throw out inane half comments designed to garner sympathy from the masses.


I actually cringe when I read some of the stuff posted, yet I'm more engaged with people on G+ because these people I actually interact with now either in person, or via common interest.


I agree privacy controls are great and necessary. I like them as well. Facebook already had those in place. This design is sneak friendly

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Damn him for making a totally voluntary site where people complain about layout changes without fail, yet continue to use it (and complain). Damn him to hell.


I'm not "damning Facebook" or complaining about the layout. I like the new layout. I attended a seminar around 3 months ago on the potential of the new layout because I work in online marketing and got excited about it.


I was simply ranting- which, ya know, we tend to do after a breakup for no other reason than to vent- over the irony of that being seemingly randomly chosen as my "highlight of the year". It was actually painfully funny.


Next time I'll be sure for add a "/sarcasm" tag for your benefit!

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