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Are there any rebound/gigs people out there that got a second chance?

smokey bear

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Any one been a rebound or gigs guy/girl and had a second chance?


Or even there ex came back and showed signs of a second chance and left again.


Can you share your stories of what happened second time round?

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Second time it didn't work out...and after we broke up again she began sleeping and dating a lot of guys...but whatever makes her happy

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I've been wondering about this same situation. Searching hasn't brought me much luck on the subject. Since I was (unknowingly) the rebound, I've wondered about situations like ours.


Hopefully, I'll be able to produce a success story one day.

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Second time it didn't work out...and after we broke up again she began sleeping and dating a lot of guys...but whatever makes her happy



How long were you split between first and second chance?


How long did the second chance last?


Was it a full blown relationship again or just "fun"

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We were together for 3 years. Out of the blue she split up with me because she said I took her for granted. The reality was I was in Nursing School and the rigors of the course prevented me from having much contact with her. On top of that her parents were very over protective so I never really got a chance to see her on the days she was available because I had to study or her parents wouldn't let her out. Well we were broken up for a month. During that time I begged and pleaded. I told her I changed and wouldn't take her for granted. I actually left a rose at her door step with a memento that reminded me of her for every month we were together. She lives 30 minutes away...so driving there back in forth twice a day to leave a rose during the day and at night before she went to sleep. Well eventually she took me back...however it wasn't the same, she ended up dumping me again a month later, so here I am now almost 2 months of N/C...it sucked but I'm healing...why fix a relationship that is broken when you can spend better time fixing yourself, moving on, and finding something new.

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why fix a relationship that is broken when you can spend better time fixing yourself, moving on, and finding something new.



well said......

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I had that. She broke up with me a year and a half ago saying that she wasn't in love with me anymore, but she loved me so much. She even said that I was the person she loved most in her life at that time, as much as her mom. Now, putting aside the fact that what she said sounds really funny now, that was a total lie of course, because the reason that she wanted to stay friends was not that she still loved me. She never loved me actually. She wanted to stay friends, because she was in desperate need of me. We came to together to a new country (the States), she had nobody else and no financial means to live on herself, so I literally took care of her even though I saw she was using me, simply because I couldn't leave the person I loved all alone. She would be devastated in all ways. Anyway, this year in June, I wrote her a letter crying out my feelings, how she hurt me after all I've done for her, how her insecurities, her depression, her selfishness, her lack of compassion and love destroyed me and made me vulnerable, etc. She contacted me after that telling she tried but couldn't forget me, that she was so afraid, that she would do anything to do things right, bla bla. I said her that I am not asking her back, I am just leaving and she should let me be if she thinks that we can be no more than friends. And I added that she knew how to contact me if she makes up her mind and was determined to work on the relationship. After a month, she emailed me on my birthday (what a crap, an email on a birthday!) saying that she was very afraid to hurt me again, but she wanted to make things right. I told her that it wasn't going to be easy because she hurt me too much without any solid reason, so she should be ready for it. She said OK. Man, what a half-hearted second try was that! It took her just 1.5 months to figure out that she wasn't attracted to me anymore. But, you know what I didn't give up. I said her what she wanted to do, if she wanted to break up, this time forever. She said no, she wanted to break this cycle, ask it to her psychiatrist. Well, her shrink told her to look around for other men. LOL I asked her to go to a couple therapist. Weird thing is she still didn't give a solid reason why she wasn't attracted to me. I am in shape, tall, handsome guy, with plenty of success in his life, plus I've always treated her well. Anyway, she refused to go to couple therapy. Then she emailed me a couple days after telling that she tried but couldn't do it. For me, she never tried and never loved me. I'll always keep in mind that if somebody really, but really loved you, they can't leave you without any solid reason in hand, assuming you are a decent, respectable person.

Edited by fistandantulus
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Attraction has nothing to do with looks or financial status... just fyi... it plays a part but is not the overall factor in it

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