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Feel alone..


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Ive been doing ok the past few days and my friends and family have been a great support system. But now my two closest friends have been acting weird. My one friend is very insecure and feels the need to constatly hook up with someone. Basically shes used then wonders why guys wont talk to her. My other friend finally left her destructive and cheating boyfriend two months ago but now he wants to be fwb. So likemy other friend she is being used. Its really making things difficult because now when i talk to them they basically tell me to just hook up with someone else but thats not how i am and i mean it clearly doesnt work for them anyway.... And just everyone around me is getting in relationships and i feel so alone now.. I just really hate feeling this way.

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What your friends have are not relationships from what I understand.


Nothing really to be envious of there, at least not to me.


I'd rather be single and aim for something higher.


I totally get that you might want a hug and human touch and affection.


Maybe use this time to develop yourself. Then you'll even be more attractive to the right kind of guy.

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Yeah im not envious of those two because i definitely would never want to be like that. Just sucks because i am realizing that i need to meet new people that are more like me and starting over is kind of scary.

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Yeah im not envious of those two because i definitely would never want to be like that. Just sucks because i am realizing that i need to meet new people that are more like me and starting over is kind of scary.


Don't look at it as starting over.

You're branching out and that can be very exciting.

By adding new people to one's life, new adventures can be had.

Are there activities you've always hoped to try?

Now's the time to try them.

Do you want company during?

Look for groups like MeetUp.

Are you being invited to things?

Start accepting at a pace that's comfortable for you.

Great growth's to be had here.

Nothing to fear. :)

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