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Dealing with guilt of forcing NC


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It wasn't bad breakup, at least not the way most are...the year long relationship we two had just grew apart and the fact that we had different cultural background and I didn't speak her language well wasn't helping either (this language happens to be English so apologize for possible mistakes). The closer to the end the more obvious it was for both of us and there were also some other reasons too which we weren't able to change. So, we broke up as "friendly" as possible and both agreed that it's over. The another thing we agreed upon was that we'll be friends. But I still did have feelings for her at that moment, and still do. So it was clear after couple of tries to be just friends that it is too painful and I forced NC. Wasn't easy decision because I still cared for her but was the only way to stay sane.


Long story short, now almost year later I still do feel guilt for forcing NC on her, it feels as I sort of betrayed both her and the promise to stay friends and probably made her think that I don't care about her at all. Which is false. Should have explained the reasons of NC to her right before forcing it, but she was busy with moving abroad and getting new job and making other things work so I didn't.


I know that in the long run it doesn't matter as we are not together anymore, but it still doesn't allow me to sleep through the night sometimes. Are there any ways to deal with this guilt?

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After a relationship ends you no longer owe any allegiance to that person. It's nice to try and be nice; but you need to take care of yourself first.

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